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Now you get to enjoy them as JIT CVEs.

Though from my understanding, there is far less of them, they're harder to do, and easier to solve.

And even if it's the same amount, having a sandbox that's harder to escape, holding everything else equal, seems like a win for end-users.

Flash's demise, while it caused me no end of grief back in the day as it was the bulk of my income, was a good thing in the end.

May I ask how have you been monetizing Flash up to that point?

I remember reading examples from an e-book on how to build 3D scenes with Flex 3 when I was 17-18 years old. It was a short lived dream of mine to create online video games. Instead, I ended-up making add-ons for PHP-based forums.

During that era Unity had its own web browser plugin and there was at least one Tennis-like game on the miniclip site itself.

I owned and ran a web design agency, but because of my skills in Flash a lot of our "value add" was doing impressive experiences/interactive showcases for our various clients. A lot of it was doing kiosk deployment work, which I think is still done today with Flash sometimes.

Flash did not went away, thanks to the wonders of WebAssembly.


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