Having done in the same day 6 hours of psycho-technical and psycho-motor tests at Air France to get into their "Pilote Cadet" program (4h in the morning then 2h in the afternoon after a lunch break), I definitely felt my mental speed during high load+stress at 32 was already a lot slower than at 20 in engineering school. I never felt so brain exhausted and I concluded I was not that sharp anymore ...
> Having done in the same day 6 hours of psycho-technical and psycho-motor tests at Air France to get into their "Pilote Cadet" program I definitely felt my mental speed during high load+stress at 32 was already a lot slower than at 20 in engineering school. I never felt so brain exhausted and I concluded I was not that sharp anymore ...
This is why none of the answers here make any sense.
Many seem to want to blame this on desk jobs and sitting. Others on not learning new things.
Then you have examples of super-high cognitive workload and stress saying this is the problem.
These things don't fit together.
I hold a US CPL and work as a programmer at a desk job. Where exactly does that leave me?