It takes a long time for the masses to adopt software in the way you mention. I’d bet that discord users are not representative of the masses. The main reason I notice people talking while muted is 1) forgot they were muted 2) multitasking / distracted 3) unfamiliar with the software / how to unmute. #3 was probably #1 in summer of 2020 when everyone was just starting. The #1 and #2 I listed just happen. It’s common to never speak in a meeting. It’s common to never speak in a meeting and then randomly get called on leading to forgetting to unmute. It’s also common that your mic isn’t working and you don’t realize it until you do try to speak and everyone is say “you’re on mute”. This happens all the time with some Bluetooth Bose headphones and my work PC, some configuration has this device matchup to be a constant problem and my IT couldn’t care less about a permanent solution since they found a temporary one (reverts on reboot).
I know people that literally retired early when they were forced to use PCs in the office. Over 30 years later, many people can barely use the most basic features of their computer. All to say, I’m not surprised this is an issue and I don’t see people as a whole digging their way out any time soon.
I know people that literally retired early when they were forced to use PCs in the office. Over 30 years later, many people can barely use the most basic features of their computer. All to say, I’m not surprised this is an issue and I don’t see people as a whole digging their way out any time soon.