> When you integrate with a service you need a member of staff to maintain that integration too.
I really like the way you worded this. I think in hindsight it's obvious but you conceptualized it in a way that I've found hard to communicate to others so far. I see now that this is probably because I've been so zeroed in on my own idiosyncratic technical issues with a given service when applicable rather than expressing it through the criteria the people I report to must consider when evaluating solutions brought to them, so thank you for that!
I really like the way you worded this. I think in hindsight it's obvious but you conceptualized it in a way that I've found hard to communicate to others so far. I see now that this is probably because I've been so zeroed in on my own idiosyncratic technical issues with a given service when applicable rather than expressing it through the criteria the people I report to must consider when evaluating solutions brought to them, so thank you for that!