Have tried Kagi for a while as a beta user. It generally works fine, but I am just reminded every time when I try to do a search via Private Browsing - and Kagi, a subscription service, will apparently ask me to login - that each of my search history will be able to be linked to an individual.
Also a beta user. I wonder if the final version you’ll be able to stay pseudoanonymous - pay with crypto, no email, etc (kinda like Mullvad).
Not defending them and also dislike this (but can’t think of a way involving payments which doesn’t do it). I do find their privacy policy quite clear and transparent - https://kagi.com/privacy
And also let’s not kid ourselves - I would guess this is still likely more privacy-forward than a Private Session on Google. Would be surprised if Google isn’t using every potential signal to fingeprint you and link back that session back to some other login.
Then it's definitely not what I want.