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Come to Australia.

We have a colony of bats in our backyard at the moment. A very noisy colony of bats that leave at dusk and return at 4 in the morning, squabbling.

It was fun for the first month. Now we're hoping it will get too cold for them and they will move back to the coast for a while.

Here I am in Ontario wishing I could come up with the magic formula to get a colony of bats to set up shop in the woods near my vineyard, so they can dine on the japanese beetles that decimate it every year.

We used to have a colony of bats at our house (rural eastern Ontario) but the P. destructans infection ("white nose syndrome") has wiped them out completely in most of eastern North America. Like wolves, bats are now extinct in this region with all the entailing ecological changes.

HN needs a "sad" vote button :-(

If there was a way to train them, ship them and make them stay you would be welcome to ours.

Austin Texas is home to a very large bat colony and watching them emerge from under a highway overpass is a common family activity during the summer.


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