Strange conclusion. In game of incomplete information showing your red line is bad. Especially so far west commit to stay outside of direct military involvement. And west cannot quit as 2.5 millions and more refugees have come. Unlike old times they are Europeans. It is all in by force. See the river by force. Hence showing your card is not the way out any more.
This is especially so as Russia has china card still can play. And gas is still pumping.
Russia strangely still assumed Ukraine will compromise and give up.
This is an interesting perspective that intuitively feels like what I'm seeing through the potentially myopic media. I do wonder about the phrase "lifelong judo master" as I'd read elsewhere his master belt was honorary.
I think the takeaway is that is The West is thinking chess and Russia is playing poker, there's going to be disconnect in lens, interpretations, reactions, etc.
Thus far, that seem to be the case.
Editorial: All in all, the media continues to be as useless as it is shameless.
This is especially so as Russia has china card still can play. And gas is still pumping.
Russia strangely still assumed Ukraine will compromise and give up.
A hard game. But full information out. No.