One thing to keep in mind about guys like Branson is that they have a small army of assistants and secretaries. So they can get a lot more done because of this help.
I saw a talk from some young dude in Salt Lake City who built and sold a large company.
One neat piece of advice he had was that the executive assistant should be one of the first five employees. Because a good EA gives time back to the founders, it's basically like getting another founder. He said that he and his EA have their teamwork down so well that he gets another 40 hours in his week.
I saw a talk from some young dude in Salt Lake City who built and sold a large company.
One neat piece of advice he had was that the executive assistant should be one of the first five employees. Because a good EA gives time back to the founders, it's basically like getting another founder. He said that he and his EA have their teamwork down so well that he gets another 40 hours in his week.