Recently gave cannabis a break. Been using for years as a medical user. If flower, I would smoke < 0.3g a day. If vape, maybe 5-10 hits. Barely any compared to so many others
Felt like I wasn't anywhere near overdoing it, but when looking at cannabis withdraw symptoms... can confirm. Certainly had a problem.
I found it hard to regulate but easy to quit. I was probably smoking more than you from the sound of it, but I found myself smoking more during the work day when I started working from home, tried to put some limits on it and then found myself breaking the rules. So I stopped cold, worst of it was probably the desire to smoke while winding down, more of a craving than a compulsion though and no physical symptoms.
I’m similar I think. I generally smoke similar amounts daily.
I’ve taken a break a few times now and aside from some weird dreams initially and my eyes being less dry, I didn’t really notice much. I took a 2 month break not too long ago and the only benefit I found was from “doing something” - ie a mental boost from setting a goal and accomplishing it.
I’ve only ever used weed to relax when all the other stressors in my life are under control, which might have something to do with it.
Ive occasionally taken breaks but I think I didn't do it long enough.
This time at like day 3-4 I was triumphantly saying there was no withdrawals, but for some reason I was unusually angry.
I dont deny anger, I almost denied that I was angry. Normally I absorb the emotion and analyze why I was this way. I couldn't really do that, I couldn't really justify why I was angry. I even woke up angry with no apparent cause.
The next day I lost control and raised my voice out of anger for a moment. Something I generally don't do. I tried questioning this anger again but found no answers. I believe at this time I still didn't believe cannabis was addictive or for that matter I was having withdrawals. Let alone this was just the beginning.
Took over a week for problems to really peak.
The bigger problem, I was using medically... without it... that original problem also started to come back. Just making it all that much worse.
Withdrawal symptoms usually last a few weeks for me. Head over to if you need support for quitting.
I've struggled with this a lot over the years. I'll quit for 6 months, get rid of all my paraphernalia then find myself starting up again. I keep telling myself that I'll use it more responsibly this time, but then I end up doing it every day.
Felt like I wasn't anywhere near overdoing it, but when looking at cannabis withdraw symptoms... can confirm. Certainly had a problem.
Still wondering if i can even go back.