On the other hand you've complained about this no less than 3 times in different threads. why? How is an obvious troll account relevant to other posters issues with your own behaviour? This feels like what-about-im, but the difference is it's pretty clear that the other guy isn't being tolerated.
> in case someone decides to "stalk me" and "beat my face in"
If you are just as abrasive in real life as in this thread I can believe it.
It’s not that I don’t understand the frustration, but at this point it’s a bit past the point of being reasonable.
I imagine they’ll get it sorted through swearing in twitter guy and then ignoring him as much as possible for the next 6 years, after which they’ll make sure to get someone one of their friends to run.
The point of a stable and recognizable pseudonym is not to garner personal or professional benefits it’s to facilitate ongoing conversation. You’ve antisocially opted out of that. No one cares to read a throwaway’s post history.
I do not expect any sort of personal or professional benefit for developing a reputation with this handle.
In fact, I change handles every few years in case someone decides to "stalk me" and "beat my face in". As is happening in this thread, for example.
I do think it's astounding that anyone could look at my post history and conclude I'm one of these township supervisors. I'm clearly not.