They also say there there was no voter fraud at the same time they call for reforms to stop fraud. If you read the bills you referenced you'll see they don't do what you have been told they do.
Voter fraud and voter supression are two different things.
Fraud is I sneak into the booth and change your vote before it is counted. Suppression is stopping bus service on election day in the neighborhoods that don't vote how you want them to.
Democrats are accused of fraud, but there are almost no cases of it happening (and they all end up being in favor of Republicans when they are found). Republicans use suppression so often that in 1965 a law was passed requiring them to get federal approval to make changes that impact voting, which unfortunately was overturned in 2013.
Please stick to the site guidelines. Perhaps you don't owe corrupt aisle-sides better, but you owe this community better if you're participating in it.
Look up the discrepancies between exit polls and official tallies in any US presidential election since 2000. Discrepancies are common and only happen in districts in swing states where the electronic machines that don't have paper trails. Every single case of a large discrepancy shows an error in favor of the Republican candidate.
Similarly, Texas's Republican governor put out a bounty for documented evidence of voter fraud. The only pay out was for proof a Republican attempted to vote twice.
It's well-established that Gore won Florida in 2000, and therefore should have been president.
If this sort of thing really happens on both sides of the isle, how come there is no tangible evidence the Democrats thew an election this century?