> Meanwhile I've never read a real argument for Frequentism and I don't know where I'd find one, short of going back to Fisher who is not well known for clear writing.
Check out the works of Deborah Mayo and her peers. She has several books and papers on the virtues of Frequentism that range from non technical to technical. Her blog is excellent as well.
Also, check out modern formulations of frequentist models in terms of estimating equations, which add a certain level of coherence to frequentist models that approaches a Bayesian coherence.
Check out the works of Deborah Mayo and her peers. She has several books and papers on the virtues of Frequentism that range from non technical to technical. Her blog is excellent as well.
Also, check out modern formulations of frequentist models in terms of estimating equations, which add a certain level of coherence to frequentist models that approaches a Bayesian coherence.