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On humble, I don’t really care. It all goes to steam keys anyway. DRM free has never really been their thing.

If I want something truly DRM free I go to gog.com.

DRM-free was absolutely Humble Bundle's initial thing, along with pay-what-you want and a portion going to charity. Just look at the news coverage from back then: https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2010/12/humble-bundle-2-is-li...

DRM-Free was definitely their thing, as were Linux releases. Many indie titles actually debuted on Linux via Humble Indie Bundles.

> DRM free has never really been their thing.

Do you not remember the videos they did for early bundles? "It's pay-what-you-want, DRM free, cross-platform and helps charity".

Probably not. I only subscribed like 6 years ago. Definitely didn’t feel DRM free to me from that point.

Oh man, the music's playing in my head now. That's some real nostalgia right there.

DRM free was one of their original selling points. They were quite proud of that.

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