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Here's a screenshot of my Private Relay settings: https://www.icloud.com/iclouddrive/0eaTQXkx0FGrIINRWsrF3wagg...

I'd like to be proven wrong, but that looks clear.

That's really strange. Are you on an old grandfathered plan of some sort? It has to be either that or a bug, because it's pretty clear that Verizon is not blocking Private Relay in any large scale manner.

Ah, looks like I had to change my cellular settings, per https://daringfireball.net/linked/2022/01/10/tmo-report-iclo... .

I don't think so. We're switched to the Verizon Plan Unlimited a couple years ago.

As another data point, I do not see private relay being blocked using ATT.

Does it change if you opt out of the “Verizon Custom Experience” program? Or turn off CPNI?

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