I was fascinated by D. Englebart's "Augmenting the Human Intellect" and the whole Intelligence Amplification research direction (made always more sense to me than Artificial Intellignce).
This is going off on a tangent, yet I recently find myself interested in embodied knowledge (skills), things you cannot learn from notation.
This is going off on a tangent, yet I recently find myself interested in embodied knowledge (skills), things you cannot learn from notation.
It started for me with Rekimoto's possessed Hand: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XBoZyfB8hY
The Proprioceptive Interaction paper from Pedro: (all of his work is awesome): http://plopes.org/
Haptic perception work by Paul: https://fkeel.github.io/
There are some awesome researchers (actually collaborators) in this space: http://embodiedmedia.org/ https://www.sonycsl.co.jp/member/tokyo/198/
I believe more and more intelligence amplification technology will have a substantial haptic/proprioceptive component.
Playing recently a lot with soft actuators :) http://kaikunze.de/papers/pdf/goto2020accelerating.pdf