Is this based on experience? Not saying you're wrong, but I've been bit before by putting emphasis on the language when what I really needed was tooling and a healthy ecosystem.
Is the standard library much better than Swift/Objective-C? As the migration was from a native iOS application to Flutter, I'm not sure why you're pulling in "JS framework" in your argument.
The author dedicated a fair amount of the post to say whether cross-platform frameworks are a good idea, the majority of posts here seem to be focused on the same subject. Given a lot of discussion about Ionic and React Native here, I figured I would toss in my two-cents.
To my memory of working with Swift, I wasn’t left wanting much when I moved to Dart.
Dart isn’t as interested in value-semantics as Swift, so there are all kinds of Dart packages for immutable classes and collections, so that’s a notable miss.
I believe they’re planning to add something more like Swift’s struct to Dart. (dataclass proposal)