So basically "Why it's ok and you should be happy about Microsoft's hardware controlling the software on your PC".
I'm so unbelievably sick of this 'security by corporation, it's what's best for you so accept it bullshit.' I really am.
No I don't want proprietary internet enabled hardware on my PC monitoring my software, no it does not make me feel safe and secure, actually, go fuck yourself and whatever marketing bullshit you spew to make this desirable for consumers. I'm honestly so fucking done with this kind of shit.
A quick look at the author's credentials should clear any doubt about the motivations behind this article's intentions --- over the past few years, I have come to the conclusion that anyone who works in the "security" industry is almost certainly working against you and your freedom.
Even if that's true right this minute, an unauditable (:/) bit of hardware controlled by Microsoft (!) that can be force-updated by them (!!!) means this can change at any moment.
I liked TPM with my own keys. This just seems a bit 'extra' in all the wrong ways.
Firmware updates can't add network hardware where none currently exists. The block diagrams for Pluton don't give it any mechanism to communicate with the network directly.
Anything evil will likely be brokered through the OS. While this is good in that it's not a persistent backdoor like Intel ME, there's still Microsoft skulduggery to worry about.
I'm so unbelievably sick of this 'security by corporation, it's what's best for you so accept it bullshit.' I really am.
No I don't want proprietary internet enabled hardware on my PC monitoring my software, no it does not make me feel safe and secure, actually, go fuck yourself and whatever marketing bullshit you spew to make this desirable for consumers. I'm honestly so fucking done with this kind of shit.