I read "Age of Intelligent Machines" by Kurzweil in 1990 and so far he's the only one that thinks human-like AI won't be until the 2100's, but he also has a more holistic view of intelligence (e.g., comparing evolution as an intelligent process with an IQ <1 to a dragonfly).
I'm still waiting for detection network (Yolo/MNSSN) that can actually work on non-canonical images.
I read "Age of Intelligent Machines" by Kurzweil in 1990 and so far he's the only one that thinks human-like AI won't be until the 2100's, but he also has a more holistic view of intelligence (e.g., comparing evolution as an intelligent process with an IQ <1 to a dragonfly).
I'm still waiting for detection network (Yolo/MNSSN) that can actually work on non-canonical images.