It requires you to be your own DM, it never says anything you do is illegal you can do whatever you want like spawn a deer to pet etc.
I agree that it isn't really a game, in a game your actions has consequences, they don't here as nothing you do limits what you can do in the future. It would need to create a world with rules and limitations where what you can do now depends on what state the world is in.
You go on an adventure.
You hitch a ride on a passing ship and get taken to some far away planet. You get to explore and have fun.
But the planet is a dead world with nothing to eat except for some tree sap.
You pet the deer.
You pet the deer and it gives you a venereal disease.
Then the planet falls into a black hole.
You survive by eating the deer and planet.
It just said, the planet is a dead world. Why is there a deer? Almost zero short term memory. No logic.