It's a mix of focused protection and "we can't control it, it's a force of nature like the weather".
The latter is not mere fatalism, by the way. It's simply acceptance that at this time, with our current level of understanding and abilities, we cannot stop respiratory illnesses from spreading and frankly, even claims about stopping "severe illness" are all horribly confounded by massive conflicts of interest and a culture of dishonesty in public health. As this paper is now showing, in fact, Moderna was advertised as perfectly safe and an obvious no-brainer tradeoff free improvement. In fact it's not, it's taken a very long time to realize this, and in fact there's certainly a lot of cases that the medical system isn't aware of. As such we cannot actually say whether the vaccines are helping or harming over-all because the damages inflicting aren't being measured properly, or at all. And indeed in many parts of the world excess death is actually positive in 2021, instead of negative as it should be given an effective vaccine (overhang from 2020 pushing it down + effective vaccines reducing COVID excess to zero).
First half I agree, second half builds on a sense of suspicion and mistrust over the other and on a sense of having “them” figured out, which is a nice pleasure to indulge in, but I don’t buy it at all