> No, it often flags perfectly correct (compiling and working) code.
"Compiling and working code" does not mean it's valid or acceptable code. Implementations can and often are buggy, or push implementation-defined behavior which is unacceptable. This code should be flagged appropriately. Case in point, C++11 support in GCC 4.8, and how "compiling and working code" in GCC4 broke horribly in subsequent releases.
> Search for "good code red" on their bugtracker - this is going on for years.
I fail to see how this is a good or reasonable test. A cursory search shows up only indexing problems, fixed by invalidating the cache, which bear no resemblance with language support.
> Compiling and working code" does not mean it's valid or acceptable code.
In safe Rust and Scala it means it is valid, modulo bugs in the compiler, which are rare. Also I'm really talking about code that is obviously ok - e.g. there exists a function on given type, yet idea fails to see it.
> do you actually have any concrete example?
In both of my Rust projects, which are pretty tiny (<5k loc) there are a few instances of good code red issues or fragments where the type inference gave up (no error flagged, but also no autocomplete). Will report those.
I reported plenty of such issues earlier to the Scala plugin, and got tired a bit.
"Compiling and working code" does not mean it's valid or acceptable code. Implementations can and often are buggy, or push implementation-defined behavior which is unacceptable. This code should be flagged appropriately. Case in point, C++11 support in GCC 4.8, and how "compiling and working code" in GCC4 broke horribly in subsequent releases.
> Search for "good code red" on their bugtracker - this is going on for years.
I fail to see how this is a good or reasonable test. A cursory search shows up only indexing problems, fixed by invalidating the cache, which bear no resemblance with language support.
Do you actually have any concrete example?