I have no questions either, I also just wanted to say thank you for the website. It's a bit weird, because I've never actually used it myself except to report my findings.
I've made 8-10 reports or something like that, because it feels like the right thing to do. Which is a compliment to your sites design.
I see you're planning to redo the front page. Why? I've never used the front page. I immediately search for the game or manually edit the URL from my browsers location bar (https://www.protondb.com/app/{id}) to insert the id of the game I want to report on.
After writing that, I do have a question; do you have objective, real data on what users want from the front page?
The only thing I want is a search box that responds to both game titles (with automagic for things like roman numerals and other game title oddities) and numeric IDs. The rest can be hidden.
Just want to say thank you for you and the teams work! It’s been really exciting to see the progress over the last couple years. What are the plans for 2022?