"It's a form of White Collar / 1st World Corruption"
Dear lord, is this The 'first world corruption'? With corporate profits at record high? Amidst *checks lists' rampant corporate tax avoidance, runaway climate change, balooning executive pay, unaccountable executives who's create Boeing Max or 2008-style events every few years
Money in politics
Survaliance capitalism, exploding house prices, (add whatever else bothers you)
Is this really the corruption that will destory the first world way of life?
Dear lord, is this The 'first world corruption'? With corporate profits at record high? Amidst *checks lists' rampant corporate tax avoidance, runaway climate change, balooning executive pay, unaccountable executives who's create Boeing Max or 2008-style events every few years Money in politics Survaliance capitalism, exploding house prices, (add whatever else bothers you)
Is this really the corruption that will destory the first world way of life?