"First you must find... another shrubbery! Then, when you have found the shrubbery, you must place it here, beside this shrubbery, only slightly higher so you get a two layer effect with a little path running down the middle"
For a better example, you might mention that the Hindu elites are actually all from Iran, that they've kept Dravidians under their yoke for thousands of years, and that Dravidians will never be free until they rid the subcontinent of them. This isn't just history, either: Go into your average middle class Hindu's house and take a look at the army of servants laboring in their kitchens. They don't look like Bollywood actors. There's a reason for that.
But this all happens out of sight of Westerners, so it still works. Quote Sashi Tharoor with the left hand and vote BJP with the right; the white people won't understand.
If there is a thread on India or better yet India/Britain these nonsensical comments are always posted. You are so mad. “Hindu elites are actually all from Iran” no they are not.. and even if they all were it’s 2021 mate. Get a life.
“They’ve kept Dravidinians under their yoke for thousands of years.” Oh lord, there are tons of states that have majority of their own people and have their own laws and languages and industry. No one is keeping “Dravidians” under their yoke. I like how you use the word dravindians in hopes to invoke some emotional reaction to ancestry.
“Go into your average middle class Hindu’s house and take a look at the army of servants laboring, they don’t look like Bollywood actors” there are so many things wrong with this statement it needs to go to fail army. Cause Dravidian Indians whatever those are don’t have maids? Maids that are paid… everyone in middle class India has servants
“Dravindians will never be free until they rid the subcontinent of them” they are already free mate no one is in control of them. Whatever you have in your head is a dream. There are estimated 245 million people speaking Dravidian. I’m sure they are so oppressed in their home states and communities. Also using this Hindu are Iranians vs dravindians thing is so childish and disrespectful to the people of India. It’s people like you that further the idea of physical different between Indians and make this tribal style of fighting. People like you really have no life but to spread hate under the false pretext of education others when the reality is your statements only serve to further your ego. Nice try tho
Let’s look at some of your other comments. A very tiny sample..
“ If you read interviews with Afghan women (outside a small urban elite), they mention similar upsides to the Taliban. At least they prevent crime. At least they have principles, however harsh. At least they're predictable. At least they forced out the thugs that the Americans had backed.”
Very interesting
“The dravindians languages were brought to India by immigrants from Elam, a place in modern day Iran” congrats another fail
Discrimination based on color of skin and appearance is western zeitgeist since forever. Divisions in Indian society were based on social and economic status more than looks, appearance or race - as is common in every other country on the planet.
The problem I have with these numbers based tallies of history is that it the exact opposite of what you suggest.
Its not a constructive rework of history, acknowledgment and 'Vergangenheitsbewältigung'.
Its a political hammer to demonize and to demand reparations for a history that most people that were involved are long dead.
And somebody that wanted to make the opposite argument could make it by using different assumptions. To make such numbers based argument you need are realist alternative to compare against and we can endlessly argue about that.
When we talk about history we both need to talk about the exploitation of Bengal and we need to talk about how India is a democracy and how that is pretty crazy state of affairs that one would have considered highly unlikely in 1600. Considering every other great gun-powder empire is not a democracy. Trying to sum up 500 years of history into a single monetary number is not 'Vergangenheitsbewältigung' to me.
P.S: And btw, as I Swiss person I would really like some of that sweet French and Austrian money. Thanks.
Atlas Obscura: definitely not GDPR compliant. Modal "We use cookies" with gigantic "I Accept" button. The tiny "cookie policy" link does not show any kind of opt out, but does show a baffling encyclopedia of paragraphs and accordions, obviously designed to exhaust you.
> “ Later in India’s history, road designers looked at the long, flat embankments that cut through the country as an infrastructure asset. The hedge’s path was, in certain areas, transformed into a series of roads. “
Calling BS on this without the author providing any sources.