In terms of what's changed since the last post - we have done a soft product pivot from note-taking for everyone to knowledge management for developers.
This is because we found that non-developers struggled with a lot of development basics unrelated to Dendron (eg. navigating vscode, git, etc) which made us realize we still had more work to do to make Dendron intuitive for everyone.
On a product side, we have also released a brand new publishing platform based on ReactJs and NextJS that developers can use to generate their static sites based on their Dendron notes.
Show HN: Dendron – fast open-source note-taking in VSCode - - March 2021 (84 comments)
Show HN: Dendron – A Hierarchical Tool for Thought - - Oct 2020 (168 comments)
Show HN: Dendron – open-source, local first, anti-roam note-taking tool - - Sept 2020 (9 comments)
Show HN: Dendron – a roam like open source markdown note taking app - - July 2020 (39 comments)
Show HN: Dendron – a local-first, markdown based, hierarchical note taking tool - - July 2020 (2 comments)