I wish people would stop treating vi like it's God's gift to every programmer on earth. I forced myself to use it for two weeks just to see what the fuss is all about and try to push through any bias.
So first off I use Dvorak so I have to switch tons of the bindings so I can use reference layouts. My moonlander keyboard already gives me directional movement on home keys. I don't have a ton of things to automate that I cant do in Alfred and my keyboard has over 1000 possible slots for keys and macros, more than I could ever use. Unlike Alfred workflows, the macros are trapped in vim. I have to add a ton of plugins to get anything approaching the experience of Pycharm and now it's just as slow, the auto completion is worse, and it looks like ass. But hey at least I can use it over an ssh connection (gotta transport all of my config first!), as if sshfs is not a thing, not that my work load is all cloud containers so I rarely ssh at all anyways.
Micro fills a niche for me where I don't want to leave the terminal and just need to edit a few lines.
There's more to vim keybindings and modal editing than "nav keys on home row". e.g. if the editor has the line `println("Hello |World")` where the cursor is at |, you can change the whole text inside the "" by typing `ci"`, or change the word by typing `cw`. -- QMK is great, but it can't do that.
I use Vim (and Emacs) as a Dvorak user. I don't change the layouts; I just stick with mnemonics. e.g. in vim, g is "go..", c is "change..", d is "delete..".
With Dvorak, the `jk` are adjacent, so that works out. `h` is still to the left of `l`... but, vim's keybindings are excellent at navigating in a line, so many `h`/`l` should be avoided anyway.
I think "hard to get vim to be as good a development environment as an IDE" is more/less a fair point.
Anyway, it's great that micro can fill a niche for you. I wish everyone could appreciate modal editing and symmetrical keyboards.
So first off I use Dvorak so I have to switch tons of the bindings so I can use reference layouts. My moonlander keyboard already gives me directional movement on home keys. I don't have a ton of things to automate that I cant do in Alfred and my keyboard has over 1000 possible slots for keys and macros, more than I could ever use. Unlike Alfred workflows, the macros are trapped in vim. I have to add a ton of plugins to get anything approaching the experience of Pycharm and now it's just as slow, the auto completion is worse, and it looks like ass. But hey at least I can use it over an ssh connection (gotta transport all of my config first!), as if sshfs is not a thing, not that my work load is all cloud containers so I rarely ssh at all anyways.
Micro fills a niche for me where I don't want to leave the terminal and just need to edit a few lines.