"it's not the internet's fault that people choose the same 5 websites to visit every day"
A person visiting the same five websites every day is not itself a problem. Each person could choose a different set of five websites.
However when so many people choose the same five websites every day, for whatever reason, then what we have seen is that those five websites begin to actively manipulate traffic, through whatever means necessary (including acquisition of other websites) to maintain their "popularity". Generally, the only way they can make money is advertising since they offer nothing of value.
They are merely intermediaries with the intent to serve ads. "Portals" with heavy surveillance and data collection.
Amazon, after it has killing anyone's dreams of an internet with competitive e-commerce, has transitioned to web hosting. More manipualtion of traffic and data collection. Advertising is next, no doubt.
The fact that this site exists means the internet is like this. It's this, and more.
It's not the internet's fault that people choose the same 5 websites to visit every day.