I saw your talk on Rails at RailsConf and how to lower the stack depth of the middleware by using a standard interface. How's the progress? From someone who hasn't helped out Rails before and would like to, what can I do?
Progress is moving slowly. I'm not sure there's much I can ask you to do. The best thing is if I can lighten my other responsibilities, like bug fixes, etc. :-/
On a separate note, since you're a Ruby core committer, what do you think of the idea of adding CoffeeScript-ish style instance variable syntax for Ruby method definitions? Like this:
This is probably off-topic, but after the fuss that was raised about the staleness of the english Ruby site (http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2839580), why does ruby-forum.com still look terrible?
The bottom of this page even has a "Powered by RForum" link that 404s. I know the forums aren't meant to be "public facing", but every time I get a ruby-forum link from google, I almost immediately hit back and move on to the next link (even though a lot of the times, ruby-forum has exactly what I'm looking for -- just buried under a wall of mono-spaced text).
Rails 3.1.0 RC6 is out: http://weblog.rubyonrails.org/2011/8/16/ann-rails-3-1-0-rc6
So is 2.3.14: http://weblog.rubyonrails.org/2011/8/16/ann-rails-2-3-14