I think some commenters here seem to have missed (or forgotten about) the IE blog[1] and the Windows 7 blog[2] which had great technical articles. This initial post resembles the first Windows 7 blog post posted 3 years ago [3]. If this new blog continues the standard set by these other two, then I have high hopes.
Bottom line: This post does sound fluffy because it is intended as an introduction to an entire series of posts of the development of Windows 8.
I agree there was content, but the wording, to me, way too often made it look as if a flock/herd (what's that called? A burial?) of marketeers vetted every stroke of every character in those posts.
Bottom line: This post does sound fluffy because it is intended as an introduction to an entire series of posts of the development of Windows 8.
[1]: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ie/ [2]: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/e7/ [3]: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/e7/archive/2008/08/14/welcome.aspx