Statements like this imply that "lobbying" is the only reason the government does anything. That, in my experience, is simply not true. Government employees and even legislators are motivated by accomplishing their mission. An augmented reality system seems like an amazing tool to accomplish the Army's mission- I really don't think anyone needed to lobby them to much to be interested in an acquisition program.
Kinda makes one wonder what all the fuss about billionaires going to space is about. VR industry isn't exactly lacking in private funding rightnow. My guess is that this money is strategically aligned with shoring up chip manufacturing in the US (since I am guessing all the parts for this will be required to be sources domestically)
Prime content for /r/im14andthisisdeep right here. It easily cost microsoft more than $1MM just to put together the proposal alone, much less fight for it in front of technical audits and careful scrutiny of every part of the project. Did you not read the article, which made clear just how much scrutiny is being applied to this deal? Do you think someone can just hand out a million dollar check and be given $22B of work without being qualified?
Is having a disrespectful tone against the rules? Do I have to respect a conspiratorial comment as anything more than a shallow attempt to sow distrust against the government? I posted a critical comment that pointed out a significant flaw in his logic and I personally believe that it is indeed prime content for /r/im14andthisisdeep due to OP’s shallow attempt to understand how the world of government contracts and their callous disregard for any evidence to back up their musings
> Is having a disrespectful tone against the rules?
Yes. I will quote your original comment followed by the guideline that you're violating.
> [You] Prime content for /r/im14andthisisdeep right here.
> [Guideline] Be kind. Don't be snarky.
> [You] Do you think someone can just hand out a million dollar check and be given $22B of work without being qualified?
> [Guideline] Please respond to the strongest plausible interpretation of what someone says, not a weaker one that's easier to criticize. Assume good faith.
> [You] Did you not read the article
> [Guideline] Please don't comment on whether someone read an article.
Note that I'm not an admin of HN or anything. Just doing my part to keep things civic.
$22B is about $150 for every working American. It probably cost Microsoft less than $1mm to lobby for this deal.