Hmm, 13 drawn out items and none of them include a SQLi XSS or CSRF audit? Odds are there are plenty. Once your db and CEO's sexting logs end up on pastebin you'll probably be thinking that the robots.txt was pretty minor.
Regarding 2: If you haven't done proper index/join stress tests with hundreds of thousands to millions of rows of data pre-launch, then I really don't know what else to say besides you're doing it wrong. Finding out two days after launch that your schema is complete garbage or improperly indexed is an amateur move. Placing javascript (that's not a shiv or script loader) in your <head> to try and disguise this isn't a good start.
Given that the reply seemingly has nothing to do with your post, I think this is a case of someone replying to a comment that is higher up on the page rather than starting their own thread.