You don't need money to create jobs. I'll give you a scenario:
Imagine Mark and Adison, two neighbors. Both are living happily and have 10 hours a day of free time. Mark can plant trees, while Adison can do house decoration. Both of them are idle. Both of them are jobless. Why? Because Mark can't plant trees, he doesn't have a land. Adison had already done decoration for his home.
One day Adison comes to Mark and suggests that he does home decoration for him. In return, Mark will plant some trees for Adison. Trees are like a long term investment for Adison and house decoration is an improvement in the living standard of Mark. Now both of them are working full time. No money is required.
For the economy, the living standard of the population had increased. Did we require money? No!
So what's wrong? It's not about the money. We need to enthusiast people with a fair, free and open system and they'll start working.
Imagine Mark and Adison, two neighbors. Both are living happily and have 10 hours a day of free time. Mark can plant trees, while Adison can do house decoration. Both of them are idle. Both of them are jobless. Why? Because Mark can't plant trees, he doesn't have a land. Adison had already done decoration for his home.
One day Adison comes to Mark and suggests that he does home decoration for him. In return, Mark will plant some trees for Adison. Trees are like a long term investment for Adison and house decoration is an improvement in the living standard of Mark. Now both of them are working full time. No money is required.
For the economy, the living standard of the population had increased. Did we require money? No!
So what's wrong? It's not about the money. We need to enthusiast people with a fair, free and open system and they'll start working.