Are you serious? The fact checker and history professor from the politico article calls it an overstated claim.
> Both sets of inaccuracies worried me, but the Revolutionary War statement made me especially anxious.
A number of other prominent historians have leveled the same criticism.
I'm not making any general claims about the revolution, or the politics of the moment as they relate to the telling of American history. But I am saying that the claim that it was motivated by the desire to preserve slavery is unsupported. This is the mainstream historical opinion.
> This one will have to wait to find more authoritative scholarly sources. But, I accept that it is controversial and possibly in question
It isn't controversial, it's completely without evidence. There is not a shred of evidence is presented. The linked essay from the 1619 Project picks up with Jefferson in 1776, a year and a half after the war started.
Since you posted your comment suggesting the claim is false, I found this supporting your claim:
This one will have to wait to find more authoritative scholarly sources. But, I accept that it is controversial and possibly in question.