>Amazon gets to set the price of your app to whatever they want, without any input from you, or even the chance to reject their price ... Amazon re-writes your description, and in ours they even made up things ... you can’t remove apps from their store
Re-writing descriptions is such a bizarre thing to do I don't know why Amazon would choose to do it. Clearly they are getting things wrong in the descriptions, which is misleading to customers, which must be illegal in some fashion.
Holding apps hostage -- not being able to choose unilaterally to remove them -- is beyond the pale.
Whose app is it anyway?
Does Amazon think they own these things the second they get uploaded?
They rewrote the description of my app, also with mistakes. Very annoying, especially since if you try to change it it takes at least two weeks to show up! In the span of app sales that is a lifetime!
That doesn't seem great.