At a point, probably really soon, you’ll have enough money that you’ll never need to work again. With that type of salary, I’d be surprised if it was more than 2 years. Don’t stay in a job you hate just to earn money that you don’t really need anymore!
Though I admit, it’s hard to imagine walking away from 1m per year, even if you don’t necessarily need it...
And by my experience if you don't need to work, live gets really boring quickly. All your friends are at work, can only do such travel, if you do your hobby 8/5 a week it gets boring.
Yeah, the plan is to have enough money to do whatever you want, regardless of the pay. So you don’t ever need to work a job you “kinda hate”, and can maybe find a startup or something that you think is good for the world.
I totally get that it would be so dull to do no work for more than a few weeks, ha. I’ve taken a couple months off between jobs before and had plenty to do, though.
Where would I get a job like this?
I hate my job a little but the hate is not strong enough for me to leave a 1m TC job for a lower TC.
I'm stuck basically. I'll be gone after 4y definitely