do you have any tips for finding a good recruiter? I've never actually searched for one. I get recruiters contacting me on LinkedIn and they are pretty bad in my opinion. The ones I've followed up with know very little about the job they are hiring for and trying to get useful answers back from them is a giant pain.
Select the best-looking roles from the contacts you get, then audition the recruiters. Depending on your experience, this may mean relying on your gut. It also means meeting in person if possible, or at least on the phone. You want synchronous communications and the highest semantic bandwidth you can get. If they won't give you half an hour, that alone is a huge red flag. There's some other pointers in
Keep searching and hang on to the ones who are funny and genuine. I've failed to get a job with an awesome recruiter and ended up getting placed with them for a different role 12 years later.
None of them know tech but a few of them are smart enough to understand that they don't know tech and to focus on mastering the social market.