When an app first requests access to photos, it’s one of the options listed in the system permissions dialog, so it’s virtually the default. The problem isn’t that, it’s that once you’ve picked the “selected photos only”, apps can choose to make it a pain to pick additional photos if they don’t add a UI element for it. Given that Instagram had it before and then removed it, I can only assume that the real reason is to try to coerce users into granting all access (nice try FB, but not going to happen for me!).
Oh wow I didn't know this. From what I see on iOS, IG still lets me Manage>Select more photos, whereas WhatsApp has a tiny "You've given WhatsApp access to only a select number of photos. Manage" at the top.
So now I've set all to Selected Photos and will just click manage and add extra photos when I need them. So much easier than I had thought, thank you!!
> From what I see on iOS, IG still lets me Manage>Select more photos
Weird! That option is missing from mine as of about a few weeks ago when doing a normal post. Stories’s picker gives me the option to “Manage”, but no where can I find the option for normal posts as of the last app update. Would you mind sharing a screenshot? I’d love to see if our UIs are different in some way. My contact info is in my profile here if you prefer to share privately.