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Julia Computing raises $24M Series A (hpcwire.com)
378 points by dklend122 on July 19, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 238 comments


I tried Julia for the first time last week and it was great.

I've been playing with the idea of defining a hash function for lists that can be composed with other hashes to find the hash of the concatenation of the lists. I tried to do this with matrix multiplication of the hash of each list item, but with integer mod 256 elements random matrices are very likely to be singular and after enough multiplications degenerates to the zero matrix. However, with finite field (aka Galois fields) elements, such a matrix is much more likely to be invertible and therefore not degenerate. But I don't really know anything about finite fields, so how should I approach it? Here's where Julia comes in: with some help I was able to combine two libraries, LinearAlgebraX.jl which has functions for matrices with exact elements, with GaloisFields.jl which implements many types of GF, and wrote up a working demo implementation of this "list hash" idea in a Pluto.jl [2] notebook and published it [0] (and a question on SO [1]) after a few days without having any Julia experience at all. Julia seems pretty approachable, has great libraries, and is very powerful (I was even able to do a simple multithreaded implementation in 5 lines).

[0]: https://blog.infogulch.com/2021/07/15/Merklist-GF.html

[1]: https://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/92139/using-rando...

[2]: https://github.com/fonsp/Pluto.jl

I played with Julia a bit in grad school. Although I didn't end up using it much after that I thought it was a lovely language. Forget python, I hope Julia manages to kill off Matlab and its weird stranglehold on various pockets of academia. Congrats to the team here.

For satellite seperation dynamics modeling, NASA switched from MATLAB (Simulink) to Julia and got a 15,000x performance boost.


Matlab, the SAS of academia and certain engineering fields.

I won't hear of it. Matlab is great. Superb at manipulating matrices, great for getting started with differential equations, world-class plotting library, and massively forgiving. All the things a computational engineer like me needs.

I would never use it for producing software meant for distribution, but people mainly hate on it because it's 'cool', without realising that it excels at what it does. I fucking love matlab.


Diffeq are one of those things that Julia is a particularly good choice for that benefits strongly from its types and what not. Give it a shot if you do a lot of this.

Julia syntax resembles matlab more than python or R.

Chris Rackauckas' work on it was truly brilliant. I believe he also posts on HN sometimes. Anyway, I've had tonnes of fun playing around with differential equations in Julia!

Thanks, I'll give it a shot. Matlab's syntax for matrices is, naturally, great.

If you will do a lot of matrix stuff you might want to listen to https://youtu.be/C2RO34b_oPM taking Vector Transpose Seriously

I know little about Matlab, but I know a lot about SAS, where it's the default analytical environment in public health practice and research. SAS is trash, and a ripoff to boot. R has made good inroads, giving SAS a tiny bit of pressure, but frankly it needs more. Bring on Julia! And python and anything else.

that's why SAS developed Viya so you can run Python and R code.

+1 on this. Matlab toolboxes are much more well tested, has thorough documentation and work much better out of the box, especially for controls and signal processing. Working with scipy can be a pain sometimes with incorrect or unstable results.

I guess you mean SAP?

Had the same thought but I think SAS is correct: Statistical Analysis System (https://www.sas.com/en_us/company-information/profile.html)?

Congrats to the Julia team.

I am a python developer who has dabbled with Julia but it never stuck for me.

I think Julia was built by academics for other academics running innovative high performance computing tasks. It excels at the intersection of 1) big data, so speed is important, and 2) innovative code, so you can't just use someone else's C package. Indeed, Julia's biggest successful applications outside academica closely resemble an academic HPC project (eg Pumas). I think it will continue to have success in that niche. And that's not a small niche! Maybe it's enough to support a billion dollar company.

But most of us in industry are not in that niche. Most companies are not dealing with truly big data, on our scale, it is cheaper to expand the cluster than it is to rewrite everything in Julia. Most who ARE dealing with truly big data, do not need innovative code; basic summary statistics and logistic regression will be good enough, or maybe some cloud provider's prepackaged turn key neural nets scale out training system if they want to do something fancy.

I think for Julia to have an impact outside of academia (and academia-like things in industry) it will need to develop killer app packages. The next PyTorch needs to be written in Julia. Will that happen? Maybe! I hope so! The world would be better off with more cool data science packages.

But I think the sales pitch of "it's like Pandas and scikit but faster!" is not going to win many converts. So is Jax, Numba, Dask, Ray, Pachyderm, and the many other attempts within the Python community of scaling and speeding Python, that require much less work and expense on my part for the same outcome.

Again, congrats to the team, I will continue to follow Julia closely, and I'm excited to see what innovative capabilities come out of the Julia ecosystem for data scientists like me.

> The next PyTorch needs to be written in Julia. Will that happen? Maybe! I hope so!

The Two Language Problem makes this more likely than one might think. Those high level python packages that plaster over python's many mediocrities have to be written and maintained by someone, and while extremistan bears the brunt of the pain and has done a remarkable job shielding mediocristan, it's extremistan that gets to decide which language to use for the next killer app.

Of course, python has more inertia than god, so it won't go quietly.

Your comment almost reads like a poem

> do not need innovative code

I think this is a good deciding factor. Not just for “big data”. In my experience, with its combination of flexibility and raw speed, Julia makes implementing new algorithms (from scratch) a breezy experience. The strong research/academic presence in the community also helps towards encouraging decent Julia libraries for a lot of cutting edge work.

So if you are working in an area where that could make a significant difference, it’s an excellent reason to use Julia.

> will need to develop killer app packages. The next PyTorch needs to be written in Julia. Will that happen?

If enough cutting-edge work happens in Julia, it’s likely that a few great tools/platforms will emerge from that. We’re already seeing that in the scientific modeling ecosystem (as an example), with Differential Equations infrastructure and PumasAI.

There is another important niche I am particularly excited about: programming language research geeks and lisp geeks. The pervasive multiple-dispatch in Julia provides such a beautiful way to architecture a complicated piece of code.

> The pervasive multiple-dispatch in Julia provides such a beautiful way to architecture a complicated piece of code.

On the other hand it makes function discovery almost impossible [1]. Combined with the way how 'using' keyword exports a predefined subset of functions, this makes the language doomed from larger adoption outside of academia at least as long as there is no superb autocompletion and IDE support.

[1] https://discourse.julialang.org/t/my-mental-load-using-julia...

Have you seen Shuhei Kadowaki's work on JET.jl (?)

If you're curious: https://github.com/aviatesk/JET.jl

This may seem more about performance (than IDE development) but Shuhei is one of the driving contributors behind developing the capabilities to use compiler capabilities for IDE integration -- and indeed JET.jl contains the kernel of a number of these capabilities.

Yep, that is my niche.

Those two niches don't pay. They are effectively useless outside of the occasional evangelism on HN.

Who do you think puts money to action on LLVM, GCC, Swift, Rust, .NET (C#, F#, VB), Scala,....?

There's a Compiler and Runtime Engineer position listed at https://juliacomputing.com/jobs/ which presumably pays money.

Money does not create code, humans do.

Money don't do jobs, humans do.

You see the logical fallacy in ur argument now?

Great summary. I've worked with scientists that love Julia and more power to them. As a software engineer, there are still rough edges in productionizing Julia (yes, I know there are a few examples of large scale production code). As soon as you take Julia out of notebooks and try to build moderately complex apps with it, you realize how much you miss Python. Having used Julia for last 4 years and having to maintain that code in production environment, I am strongly convinced that Julia has a niche but it is not going to be a contestant to Python/Java/C++ depending on the use case. Which really is a shame - I want one goddamn language to rule them all. I want that and tried to give a fair chance to Julia.

> As soon as you take Julia out of notebooks and try to build moderately complex apps with it, you realize how much you miss Python

Why's that? What features or lack thereof of Julia contribute to that experience?

There is too much to talk about and I’d want to give an objective impression with examples in a blog post, but one of the major grips I have is how little information Julia provides you with stack traces. Debugging production problems with absolutely zero clue of what/where the problem might be is one of the most frustrating aspects. I’ve spent so many hours debugging Julia using print statements. Debugger is janky, Juno/Atom support is not very good. Nothing feels polished and robust. Dependencies break all the time. We are stuck with Julia 1.2 and too much of an undertaking to go to latest version. Package management is an absolute disaster - this is the case with Python but Julia is worse. Julia Registry has many issues (compat errors). Testing and mocking is also underwhelming. I think startup times have improved but still not very developer-friendly. Sorry not an objective answer you’re looking for. There also things that Python has such as excellent web-dev ecosystem and system libs that are missing in Julia. Python has everything. Want to generate a QR code image? Easy in Python. Want to create PDF reports with custom ttf fonts? A breeze in Python.

This is the first time I’ve heard somebody say that Julia’s package management is worse than Python’s! For most people who have spent years grappling with the succession of unofficial attempts to supply Python with something like package management, including virtual environments, etc., and the resulting dependency hell, Julia’s integrated and sophisticated package management (even with its own special REPL mode) is refreshing. I don’t doubt your experiences are real, but suspect you have just had really bad luck.

1.2 is pretty ancient. Current, or even recent, versions of Julia have a fraction of the startup time (https://lwn.net/Articles/856819/). Package management has been refined further, as well.

I’m a tortured soul, my opinions might be biased and I hope things improve with Julia.

We absolutely cannot upgrade Julia version right now, dozens of repos full of complicated scientific code. Management doesn’t care as far as it barely runs. I don’t think it’s fair to blame Julia for it but it just shows how much more it needs to go. That should be looked at as a positive thing.

I have one more complain to Julia community - please don’t be too defensive. Accept and embrace criticisms and turn that into a propellant for improving the language. I’ve seen a cult-like behavior in Julia community that is borderline toxic. Sorry, it’s the truth and needs to be said. Speed isn’t everything and people are magnetized by the benchmarks on the Julia website, especially non-software engineers.

>I’ve seen a cult-like behavior in Julia community that is borderline toxic. Sorry, it’s the truth and needs to be said. Speed isn’t everything and people are magnetized by the benchmarks on the Julia website, especially non-software engineers.

I think all languages have this dynamic...I've seen it with python and R. To some extent it's fed by what we perceive as criticisms from people defending their favorite incumbent language with arguments that aren't at all informed- such as a focus on speed and how numba achieves parity there.

In the same vein, I and many Julia users are enthusiastic precisely because of thing other than speed, such as the type system, abstractions, differentiability and other things that make programming more joyful, fluid and productive.

Agree though, that we could always improve on acceptance of criticism.

Agreed and thanks for being charitable for the Julia community. It’s an interesting thing to balance: push and market the language, navigate haters and naysayers while also deeply respecting feedback and criticisms. We can all do better.

Well you’re right about the libraries—Python really does have everything (although sometimes those libraries are not great quality, but at least they mostly work). But Julia makes it easy to use Python libraries with Pycall. And there are big things that just don’t exist yet in the Julia world, such as a web framework. I recently tried to create a web project using Genie.jl, which advertises itself as a ready-for-prime-time web framework for Julia, and I gave up after a few days. It’s just not in the same universe as something like Django, plus it’s barely documented.

Have you made the Genie maintenainers aware of your problems?

I really don't understand your point about package management.

Instead of Pip, virtualenv, conda, etc etc there's one package manager that resolves and installs native and binary dependencies, ensures reproducibility with human readable project files, is accessible from the REPL etc.

You can get an entire GPU based DL stack up and running on a windows machine in under 30 min, with a few keystrokes and no special containers or anything like that. Don't even have to install cuda toolkit. It's a dream, and I've heard the same from recent python converts

I second most of this.

A lot of problems are fixable with time and money. Maybe the Series A will help!

But some problems might be related to Julia's design choices. One thing I really missed in Julia is Object Oriented Programming as a first class paradigm. (Yes I know you can cobble together an approximation with structs.)

OOP gets a lot of hate these days. Mostly deserved. But in some large complex projects it's absolutely the right abstraction. I've used OOP in several Python projects. Most of the big Python DS/ML packages use OOP.

Maybe you think PyTorch, SciKit, etc are all wrong, and would be better off with a more functional style. I know it's fashionable in some circles to make fun of the "model.fit(X,Y); model.predict(new_data)" style of programming but it works well for us busy professionals just trying to ship features.

I don't think Julia is wrong for enforcing a more functional style. It probably makes it easier for the compiler to generate great performance.

But Python has achieved its success because of its philosophy of being the "second best tool for every job" and that requires a more pragmatic, multiparadigm approach.

How is "model.fit(X,Y)" better than "fit!(model,X,Y)"?

Julia is object oriented in a broad sense, it just uses multiple dispatch which is strictly more expressive than single dispatch, so doesn't make sense to have dot notation for calling methods because types don't own methods.

For giving up some facility in function discover, you get speed, composability, generic code...and a net gain in usability because you can have one array abstraction for GPUs, CPUs etc etc, which is just an instance of having common verbs across the ecosystem (enabled by MD). Instead of everyone having their own table type or stats package, you have Tables.jl or Statsbase.jl that packages can plug into and extend without the issues inherent in subclassing, monkeypatching etc.

This is a much better, more powerful and pleasant experience

Closing the gap in Method discovery will simply require a language feature with tooling integration, where you write the types and then tab to get the functions. There's already an open issue/PR for this

I don't miss OOP in Julia but I do feel there need to be more ways to abstract things than multiple dispatch and structs. One thing I do miss is interfaces, which can group functions for a common purpose. I understand it may be not feasible in a dynamic language, but hopefully there will be something above functions as an abstraction mechanism.

Interfaces are not currently defined in the language but socially if you are lucky the package whose abstract type you subtype has a generic test you can call with your new implementation but that is not the standard.

I'll give you my two cents, recognizing that I very well might just be ignorant about Julia and multiple dispatch, and if so please continue to educate me.

Consider if we want to run many different types of models. Logistic regression, gradient boosting, NNs, etc. We want the ability to easily plug in any type of model into our existing code base. That's why model.fit(X,Y) is attractive. I just need to change "model = LogisticRegressionModel" to "model = GradientBoostingModel" and the rest of the code should still Just Work. This is a big part of SciKit's appeal.

But all these different models have very different training loops. So with "fit!(model,X,Y)" I need to make sure I am calling the compatible "fit" function that corresponds to my model type.

You might now say "Ah! Multiple dispatch handles this for you. The 'fit' function can detect the type of its 'model' argument and dispatch execution to the right training loop sub function." And I suppose that's theoretically correct. But in practice I think it's worse.

It should be the responsibility of the developer of "model" to select the "fit" algorithm appropriate for "model." (They don't have to implement it, but they do have to import the right one.) The developer of "fit" should not be responsible for handling every possible "model" type. You could have the developer of "model" override / extend the definition of "fit" but that opens up its own can of worms.

So is it possible to do the same thing with "fit!(model,X,Y)"? Yes of course it is. It's possible to do anything with any turing complete language. The point is, which system provides the best developer ergonomics via the right abstractions? I would argue, in many cases, including this one, it's useful to be able to bundle functions and state, even if that is in theory "less flexible" than pure functions, because sometimes programming is easier with less flexibility.

Thanks, I see where you are coming from.

>It should be the responsibility of the developer of "model" to select the "fit" algorithm appropriate for "model." (They don't have to implement it, but they do have to import the right one.) The developer of "fit" should not be responsible for handling every possible "model" type. You could have the developer of "model" override / extend the definition of "fit" but that opens up its own can of worms.

It's really the same thing as python, just better...I don't see the distinction you are drawing.

In python you have a base class with default behavior. You can subclass that and inherit or override.

Julia has abstract types with interfaces...instead of relying on implementation details like fields, you provide functions so that more types of models can work even if they don't have that one specific field. Otherwise everything is the same where it counts,- you can compose, inherit and override. Even better, you can work with multiple models and types of data, inheriting where you see fit.

I don't see any benefit to python's restrictions here, either in ease of use or in expressiveness.

For all intents and purposes it's a strict superset.

Even better, you can use macros and traits to group different type trees together.


These seem to be in contradiction:

>It should be the responsibility of the developer of "model" to select the "fit" algorithm appropriate for "model.

>You could have the developer of "model" override / extend the definition of "fit" but that opens up its own can of worms.

It's the same in python, either you inherit Fit or you can override it. What's the difference with Julia?

Except in julia all types and functions have a multiple dispatch, parametric type and possible trait lattice of things you can override, customize and compose, so that even if the model author has to override fit, they can do it using small composable building blocks.

I agree you can achieve same benefits with Macros. Indeed, I see that MLJ, Julia's attempt at a SciKit type project, makes extensive use of Macros. But I personally think macros are an antipattern. In large projects, they can introduce subtle bugs. Especially if you're using multiple modules that are each editing your code before compile time and that don't know about each other. I know others in Julia community agree that Macros are dangerous.

I think abstract types are a brittle solution. The "can of worms" I alluded to is something like this: Library TensorFlow implements model "nn" and Library PyTorch also implements model "nn" and they both want to override "fit" to handle the new type "nn"... Good luck combining them in the same codebase. This problem is less pronounced in OOP where each development team controls their own method. Julia devs can solve this by having every developer of every "fit" function and every developer of every "model" struct agree beforehand on a common abstraction, but that's an expensive, brittle solution that hurts innovation velocity.

I think the closest I can do in Julia via pure structs is for the developer to define and expose their preferred fit function as a variable in the struct, something like "fit = model['fit_function']; fit(model,X,Y)" but that introduces a boilerplate tax with every method I want to call (fit, predict, score, cross validate, hyperpameter search, etc). (EDIT: indeed, I think this is pretty much what MLJ is doing, having each model developer expose a struct with a "fit" and "predict" function, and using the @load macro to automate the above boilerplate to put the right version of "fit" into global state when you @load each model... but as described above, I don't like macro magic like this.)

None of these require macros.

If (and only if, I have not looked at our hypothetical model and fit GF, but for the sake of argument, I will assume that it does) "fit" specialises on "model" will a "mode = AnOtherModel" cause "fit(model, x, y)" to be exquivalet to Python's "model.fit(x, y)". If you need to provide a custom "fit" method, you do so by providing a method specialised on AnOtherModel to the "fit" GF.

At no point is there a macro involved.

As for the "module a, model nn" and "module b, model nn", I would naively assume that they actually are different models, and therefore something specialising on "a.nn" will not get dispatched to when you pass a "b.nn".

Disclaimer: I don't actually know Julia, at all. But I have written substantial amounts of CLOS code (and Python, but I like CL and CLOS better).

I know nothing about Lisp, so at the risk of talking past eachother....

I never said macros were required. I said implementing this type of code without OOP required more boilerplate, and MLJ uses macros to reduce that boilerplate.

As I understand module imports in Julia: Each module developer exports a list of publicly facing objects. Obviously "fit" and "model" would be among them. If you import two modules that both export a new "nn" subtype of shared parent type "model", and both extend "fit" and "predict" and etc to accept their own subtype "nn", then you have to manually specify which module you are referring to every time you call nn, or fit, or predict, or whatever. Is that wrong? If I just import PyTorch, import TensorFlow, and then call "mymodel = TensorFlow.nn; fit(mymodel, mydata)" then Julia doesn't know that the "fit" I am calling is the TensorFlow implementation and not the PyTorch implementation; what if I had WANTED to use module A's "fit" on module B's model, and they intentionally adopted the same abstract type system to enable this interoperability? So instead I have to write "mymodel = TensorFlow.nn; TensorFlow.fit(mymodel, mydata); TensorFlow.predict(mymodel, mynewdata)". Obviously the extra typing is mildly annoying but the bigger problem is potentially introducing bugs by mismatching modules, and the developer's cognitive overload of having to keep track of modules. Python style OOP is a more elegant solution to the namespace problem and results in more readable, maintainble code, at least in my opinion. Anyways, maybe Julia has a more elegant solution I'm not aware of, if so I'd love to hear it.

In Julia it will just dispatch to the correct function.

In other words, one package would define `fit(mymodel::TensorFlowModel)` and the other would define `fit(mymodel:PyTorchModel)`, and then when you call `fit` it'll just dispatch to the appropriate one depending on the type of `mymodel`.

This dispatch-oriented style also allows a shocking degree of composability, e.g. [1], where a lot of packages will just work together, such that you could for example just use the equivalent of PyTorch or TensorFlow on the equivalent of (e.g.) NumPy arrays without having to convert anything.

If you mean "what about the case where both packages just call their model type `Model`", while I've never run into that, the worst case scenario is just that you have to fall back to the Python style explicit Module.function usage (which was always allowed anyways...). And if you if you don't like names being exported, you can always just `import` a package instead of `using` it:

  help?> import
  search: import


  import Foo will load the module or package Foo. Names from the imported Foo module can
  be accessed with dot syntax (e.g. Foo.foo to access the name foo). See the manual
  section about modules for details.

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kc9HwsxE1OY

I very frequently run into namespace collisions like that. I think they are quite common in large codebases.

I am aware of the ability to do eg "import TensorFlow; model = TensorFlow.model; TensorFlow.fit(model,data)"

As I mentioned previously, I find Python's OOP "model.fit" syntax to be better, for a variety of reasons.

Thank you for your engagement. Have a nice day.

There's some serious misunderstanding here. You do not have to disambiguate the function call, only the construction of the object. You would write

  m1 = TensorFlow.model()
  fit(m1, data)
  m2 = Pytorch.model()
  fit(m2, data) 
Julia knows which version of model you are using.

YensorFlow.fit and Pytorch.fit are just different methods of the same function.

You've formed some strong opinions based on a pretty big misunderstanding.

Do you have an example of a case where you ran into this in Julia with two packages that you wanted to use together? If the packages are still actively developed, I suspect the developers would be interested to resolve the situation to allow interop.

Never made it that far. This was a feature I use all the time in Python ML development (both consuming open source packages via an OOP interface and also writing in-house model classes) that I consider essential for my productivity and that Julia was missing.

<edit>I'm also nervous of relying on the recourse of asking package maintainers to edit their variable names to improve compatibility with the random third package I want to use; maybe the culture is different in Julia but in Python that's a good way to get laughed out of the issue tracker :) </edit>

If I were you I would maybe ask people like @systemvoltage who took the plunge and wrote a big project in Julia only to find they had trouble maintaining the project. Maybe one reason he can't upgrade without breaking everything is because of namespace collisions amongst his many dependencies? If not that, it's something like that.


I know in Julia I can just precede every function call and object instantiation with "modulename." and solve the namespace problem that way. What I want to do instead, what I do in python, is bind one namespace of function methods to each object, so that as I code, I don't have to remember which module each each object came from. That is the appeal to me of "model.fit" over "module.fit(model)".

EDIT: This is not some "shave a few seconds off coding time" quality of life issue. This is a mission critical requirements in many enterprise contexts.

Scenario A: Model Development Team trains a model, serializes it, and sends the serialized model object to Production. You want Production to have to lookup which software Package the Model Development Team used for each model, just so they know which "predict" function to call? No, "predict" should just be packaged with the model object as a method, along with "retrain", "diagnose", etc.

Scenario B: I want to fit a dozen different types of models, from multiple packages, on the same data, to evaluate how they each do, and build build some sort of ensemble meta model. So I need to loop over each model object in my complicated ensembling logic. You want me to also programmatically keep track of which module each model comes from?

These are important, happens-every-day use cases in the enterprise.

I think the best solution for this in Julia is to package the model state with all the "method" functions in one struct. Again, this is what MLJ does. This is the closest Julia gets to OOP. But then you either need a lot of boilerplate code, or a Macro to unpack it all for you behind the scenes.

hmm, but doesn't it just mean that ppl should extend the same `fit!` method rather the define their own?

The bigger issue for production in my experience is about packaging the right model with the right version. I don't think anyone has to do `module1.fit` everywhere, since `fit` would've likely come from the same source.

That solves both of your scenarios

> since `fit` would've likely come from the same source


As described in the great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-parent comment, the problem I am describing is that of trying to combine models from multiple software authors. You may not have that problem. It may not be a common problem among Julia's academic user base. I do have that problem.

Thanks for reading.

Oh, I see -- yes, fair enough!

Just to be clear, I like Julia, and think it has advantages over Python. I'm writing all this as someone who is cheering for Julia to break out of its HPC niche. Thanks.

Thanks so much for taking the time to outline your thoughts...I share the same goals and input from industry experience like this very valuable. This has spawned some discussion on the Julia slack about how best to target your usecase.

Can I trouble you to make a post either on discourse or on the slack? I'd really like this to get in front of the broader julia community and core devs, and you're the best person to do that. Maybe there's a solution of which I'm unaware....or there could be some design discussions to come out of this.

https://julialang.org/community/ (slack and discourse link)

Always happy to help. Especially the last day or so - I've been waiting on some long training loops so it's been a pleasant diversion.

To be 100% honest with you, there's pretty much 0% chance of me adopting Julia in the next 12 months. I evaluated it before embarking on my current project, but ended up going with Python, and now I have several thousand lines of Python code that work fine, and I'm not going to rewrite it all in the near future. At some point in the medium term, I'll re-evaluate Julia. But until then, I don't want to lead anyone on any wild goose chase. Even if you solved this problem, and all my problems, I'm just not in a position to switch right now. So for that reason I think I'll hold off on issuing a community wide call for help. But I'm cautiously optimistic that at some point in the future I'll be writing Julia professionally.

A lot of this is also probably cultural rather than language features. The first thing they teach any Python data science boot camp initiate is: never "from numpy import *", always "import numpy as np" and yet in Julia "using" appears more common than "import"...

I also wouldn't read too much into my one example. It was initially meant just as an illustrative point, but somehow I was so bad at explaining it that it took tons of comments for me to get my minor point across. I do think the MLJ guys are properly on the right track, and that should work fine for most people who don't mind Macros. Maybe I'm in the minority in hating Macros.

The more commonly cited issues around compile time caching, tooling, etc. are boring to list off yet again, but probably the right areas of focus for the community, in terms of both impact and ease of implementation.

More generally, I really do think you're better off talking to people like @systemvoltage, who have actually given Julia more of a chance than I have. If I worked for Julia Computing I'd be reaching out to him and begging to get his brain dump on all the challenges he faced. In any business, it's always easier to reduce churn and learn from your (unhappy) customers, then it is to convert new prospects, whether that business is programming languages or investment banking.

Best of luck. Sincerely.

That makes sense, thanks ! Good luck to you as well.

Composability is one of the things the Julia community generally Takes Seriouslyᵀᴹ so definitely don't hesitate to ask if there are two packages that don't play as nicely as you would like!

I'm a bit confused still though why you say it's a "missing" feature, given that as we discussed above, there is absolutely nothing to stop anyone who wants to use the "Python OOP" style of namespacing in Julia from doing so? Most of us don't seem to find it necessary or to prefer it personally, but that doesn't restrict anyone else from choosing it.

Your explanation is stop on for Julia.

Have you checked out MLJ? I think their interface does a pretty good job of what you're discussing.

Hmm, reading your comments. I think you have understood how `fit!` works.

Each develop will develop their model in their own package. But they just define this fix function. E.g.

``` # in PkgA function fit!(model::ModelTypeA, X, y) # some code ... end ```

``` # in PkgB function fit!(model::ModelTypeB, X, y) # some code ... end ```

Each `fit!` function is distinct. It's the same as `model.fit` where the `model` is controlled by the individual developers.

> One thing I really missed in Julia is Object Oriented Programming as a first class paradigm.

Julia peeps would tell you that the multiple dispatch used by Julia is a generalization of OOP. And that they like multiple dispatch

Yes indeed. While Julia does generally eschew the "model.fit(X,Y); model.predict(new_data)" style, it's not because it's functional, it's because it's dispatch-oriented, which is arguably a superset of class-based OO, and even perhaps arguably closer to Alan Kay's claimed original vision for OO than modern class-based OO is.

> one of the major grips I have is how little information Julia provides you with stack traces

as opposed to Python and JVM traces? LOL

Also, python has been around for alot longer. So perhaps that Python has "everything" is a feature of time and user base.

Maybe Julia will grow to have a large enough user-base to have those things.

> We are stuck with Julia 1.2

Gosh, that's really old and it's not even an LTS version. I fear many of your woes stem from that. Julia 1.6 has huge improvements, and the community has rallied around VS Code now that Atom seems to be dying.

It really shouldn't be too bad to update.

Thanks for sharing! I think much of it has to do with the version you're stuck on. (ie startup and compile times are way way better with 1.6)

Python having a broader ecosystem is a very good point, but I've found pycall to be very helpful

This matches with my experience with an old version of Julia too. But lets not focus on the negative aspects here. People have their different sets of priorities.

What warts did you encounter? What language features / tooling would make Julia easier to productionize?

> The next PyTorch needs to be written in Julia.

If a major company would pick up Flux.jl and fill out the ecosystem that would be AMAZING.

PyTorch and Tensorflow feel like duct tape and chewing gum all day, every day.

I guess this would be a good place to mention that we're hiring for lots of positions, so if you would like to help build JuliaHub, or work on compilers, or come play with SDRs, please take a look at our job openings :) : https://juliacomputing.com/jobs/

>or come play with SDRs

This sounds like an absolute dream!

What's SDR in this context? Not software-defined radio, right? (Though I suppose Julia is a good fit for signal processing!)

Yes, software-defined radio, we have a very broad set of interests, and that happens to be one of the open jobs :).

Very cool. SDR's are in the process of taking over ham radio I think as well (give it another 5 years). So flexible.

Understandable if you can't answer this question, but how much work have you guys done with SDRs and arrays?

This project is just starting, so I have hardware sitting on my desk and have used it a bit, but other than that not much.

What kind of HW do you have? I did some work with the NI version of the USRP B210 using C++ and was pretty impressed with the quality of the FW and libraries. I hope to give it a try with Julia and UHDBindings.jl

I see. Well I wish you guys luck on that!

I'm sure there is some good in there to have some solid funding for additional development, but now that it's a commercial venture, I'm terrified to see the revenue model. The moment you build your profit platform on top of someone else's profit platform, you become someone else's servant.

These kind of concerns are not unreasonable in general of course, but in this case let me point out that Julia Computing has been a commercial enterprise for more than six years. Also, our commerical product is deliberately not Julia, but rather we're building our products on top of Julia, just like anyone else might. In fact there are several startups unrelated to us that have built multimillion dollar businesses entirely in Julia . At this point there's a bunch of companies that depend on Julia and are committed to it's future - we're just one among them.

You're not just one among them given how much control you have over the language itself. Those other companies aren't founded by the co-creators of and main contributors to the language.

Sure, but there's two separate concerns here. One is that money will turn us evil and we'll exercise undue influence. My counterpoint was that JC has been around for six years now and in that time we've actually strengthened Julia significantly as an independent project. My other point though was about concentration risk. I think far more common than people turning evil is that companies go all out raising money, become the only people developing a project and then if the revenue doesn't come as planned, the company and the project fail together with unpleasant results. At this point, if Julia Computing fails, Julia the language will survive no problem. Of course we're not planning on failing, but before going out on this commercial path, it was hugely important for all of us that Julia is on solid footing. For must of us, what we've built in Julia is our "life's work" (ok, it's only been 10 years, but that's a substantial effort still) and we're not planning to let that just die.

JetBrains is doing pretty well. They created Kotlin. Kotlin is quite popular.

Nothing has changed here. Julia Computing has always been a commercial venture — that's its reason-for-being, providing enterprise support and products built on the language. The Julia Language has always been (and always will be) open source. The two are completely separate[1], but we at Julia Computing invest greatly in the language itself — our success as a company is directly linked to the language's success.

1. https://julialang.org/blog/2019/02/julia-entities/#julia_com...

This is my concern too. I skimmed the article and I guess its going to be something along the lines of locking certain sim modules behind a subscription like Autodesk/Fusion360?

Happy to be wrong here.

> Julia Computing, founded by the creators of the Julia high-performance programming language, today announced the completion of a $24M Series A fundraising round led by Dorilton Ventures, with participation from Menlo Ventures, General Catalyst, and HighSage Ventures. ...

What products/services does Julia Computing sell to justify that Series A? The article doesn't mention anything.

Although the company website lists some "products," there are no price tags or subscription plans attached to anything.

And even if there are revenue-generating products/services on the horizon, how will the company protect itself from smaller, more nimble competitors that don't have a platform obligation to fulfill?

How is this not another Docker? Don't get me wrong, both Julia and Docker are amazing, but have we entered the phase of the VC-funded deliberate non-profit?

> What products/services does Julia Computing sell to justify that Series A? The article doesn't mention anything.

That's the entire second paragraph of the article. JuliaHub is a paid cloud computing service for running Julia code and JuliaSim/JuliaSPICE/Pumas are paid domain-specific modeling and simulation products. See also some of the other comments here from Keno[1] and Chris Rackauckas[2]:

1. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27884386

2. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27887122

I'm equating "product" with "revenue-generating product." A bit presumptuous, I know, (the objective of a company is to make money from those who buy its products and services, where products and services are something other than shares) but the article doesn't mention any source of revenue for the company.

Yes, that's what I figured you meant, and that's precisely what that paragraph and my comment above detail. You can enter a credit card into JuliaHub and start running large scale distributed compute on CPUs and GPUs right now. Or you can email us about procuring an enterprise version for your whole team and/or licensing JuliaSim or Pumas.

Where do I find payment rates/plans information? On the "Pricing" page:


I see Free, Pay as You Go, and Contact Sales.

Clicking the middle option, I see that I must be logged in to view anything.

What you want to do with this information is up to you, but it doesn't look good from the customer side. And from the perspective of someone trying to figure out if Julia Computing has a future as a money-making enterprise, it looks iffy at best.

Check some replies by Keno in thread, he goes a bit deeper into their business model

Frankly I think the key thing that'll really get a lot of Julia adoption is a full-featured ML framework on par with TF, Pytorch, etc.

What we've noticed is the vast majority of the time it's the data scientist's code that's slow not the actual ML model bit. So allowing them to write very performant code with a dumpy-like syntax and not have to deal with painfully slow pandas, lack of true parallelism, etc. would be a true game changer for ML in industry.

Have you explored the SciML landscape at all (?):


There are a number of components here which enable (what I would call) the expression of more advanced models using Julia's nice compositional properties.

Flux.jl is of course what most people would think of here (one of Julia's deep learning frameworks). But the reality behind Flux.jl is that it is just Julia code -- nothing too fancy.

There's ongoing work for AD in several directions -- including a Julia interface to Enzyme: https://github.com/wsmoses/Enzyme.jl

Also, a new AD system which Keno (who you'll see comment below or above) has been working on -- see Diffractor.jl on the JuliaCon schedule (for example).

Long story short -- there's quite a lot of work going on.

It may not seem like there is a "unified" package -- but that's because packages compose so well together in Julia, there's really no need for that.

Agreed! Flux & other Julia Ml packages are awesome and have best in class API. Performance and memory usage aren’t yet on par with TF/PyTorch (or at least when I last checked last year), but with more contributors and time I could see this closing and would love to use Julia for ML work

I believe we are currently at pytorch parity (and sometimes better) for speed. Memory usage depends....And this is without the extensive upcoming compiler improvements.

The reason for the lag is that Julia has been focusing on general composable compiler, codegen and metaprogramming infrastructure which isn't domain specific, whereas pytorch and friends has been putting lots of dev money into c++ ML focused optimizers.

Once the new compiler stuff is in place, it would be relatively trivial to write such optimizations, in user space, in pure Julia. Then exceeding that would be fairly simple also, plus things like static analysis of array shapes

Do you have updated comparison with some data of performance and memory vs. PyTorch / TF?

I don't have a comprehensive suite of numbers at the moment (which is why I qualified it with "I believe"). My tentative conclusion is based on experience by a flux maintainer benchmarking forwards and backwards passes compared to pytorch, along with reports like this: https://discourse.julialang.org/t/flux-came-a-long-way/62288

The article mentions a circuit simulation package named JuliaSPICE, but I can't find any intonation on it. Can someone please provide a link?

For the earliest details, see the press release from our DARPA project: https://juliacomputing.com/media/2021/03/darpa-ditto/ . This is being done in a way where a fully usable software is the result, so that those accelerations are not just a one-off prototype but a product that everyone else can use by the end. For more details, wait until next week's JuliaCon.

There's not really much public about it yet. There'll be a technical talk about it at JuliaCon and we're talking to initial potential customers about it, but it's not quite ready for the wider community yet. If you want some of the technical details, I talked about it a bit in this earlier thread https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26425659 about the DARPA funding for our neural surrogates work in circuits (which will be part of the product offering, though the larger product is a modern simulator + analog design environment, which is supposed to address some of the pain of existing systems with the ML bits being a really nice bonus).

Oh, I suppose I should add if you're looking to use something like this in a commercial setting, please feel free to reach out. Either directly to me, or just email info@ and you'll get routed to the right place.

It's not released yet. Official announcement is happening at juliacon in 2 weeks

Julia seems like such a superior language compared to R. What would be required for it to supplant R for statistical work (or some subset of it)?

As an example, Douglas Bates, the author of R's lme4 excellent package for generalized linear mixed-effects models, has switched to julia to develop MixedModels.jl. The julia version is already excellent, and has many improvements over lme4.

“Only” to write a very high amount of high-quality statistical and plot packages…

Right. R's killer feature is its ecosystem.

I'm wondering if most statisticians or researchers deal with data big enough that massively better performance would be enough motivation to switch.

"Massively better performance" is a bit misleading: Julia is only massively better at certain workflows. The fastest data.frame library in ALL interpreted languages is consistently data.table, which is R. For in-memory data analysis, Julia will have to offer more than performance to win over statisticians/researchers.

Benchmarks: https://www.ritchievink.com/blog/2021/02/28/i-wrote-one-of-t...

As another commenter pointed out, DataFrames.jl is already faster than data.table in some benchmarks.

And that's the killer feature of Julia. It is easier to micro-optimize Julia code than any other language, static or dynamic. Meaning if Julia is not best-in-class in a certain algorithm, it will soon.

In addition to the comment about df.jl catching up, they aren't comparable at all.

Julia's DF library is generic and allows user defined ops and types. You can put in GPU vectors, distributed vectors, custom number types etc. Julia optimizes all this stuff.

data.frame is just a giant chunk of c (c++) code that one must interact with in very specific ways

> Julia's DF library is generic and allows user defined ops and types. You can put in GPU vectors, distributed vectors, custom number types etc. Julia optimizes all this stuff.

These features aren't of interest to practicing statisticians, which the parent comment was talking about.

> data.frame is just a giant chunk of c (c++) code that one must interact with in very specific ways

I don't understand this criticism: yes, data.table has an API.

>These features aren't of interest to practicing statisticians, which the parent comment was talking about.

It's pretty convenient for things like uncertainty propagation and data cleaning...all things statisticians should care about.

>I don't understand this criticism: yes, data.table has an API

A relatively limited API, walled off from the rest of the language.

Many practicing statisticians do actually care about easily using GPUs and doing distributed computations on distributed data sets with the same code they use for a local data set, which is what those Julia capabilities give you.

> The fastest data.frame library in ALL interpreted languages is consistently data.table, which is R.

DataFrames.jl is very rapidly catching up and starting to surpass it. After hitting a stable v1.0 they've begun focusing on performance and those benchmarks have changed significantly over the past three months. Here's the live view: https://h2oai.github.io/db-benchmark/

40% slower in groupbys and 4x slower in joins isn’t convincing.

Oh I agree. What's convincing to me is the momentum. The DataFrames.jl team only started focusing on performance three months ago after hitting v1.0[1] and were able to rapidly become competitive with groupbys; the performance of join is next[2]. Compare the live view with the state when grandparent's blog post was written/updated (March of this year).

I expect it to continue to improve; note that it's starting to be the fastest implementation on some of the groupby benchmarks.

1. https://discourse.julialang.org/t/release-announcements-for-...

2. https://discourse.julialang.org/t/the-state-of-dataframes-jl...

This seems quiet cherry picked as there are 3 different dataset sizes.

However yes, it does not beat all other packages tested in performance.

Not really cherry picked. Data.table is designed for large data sets with many groups + complex joins.

I would like to see this benchmark with much more modern hardware, especially for GPU-related tools as the 1080 Ti they used is 4 years old.

Many do, a university cluster is usually full since it runs 3 day-long jobs from hundreds of people. But in order to switch I’d need to replace 100+ direct and indirect dependencies.

You can write fast software with R, you just need to know how. The same applies to Julia - not everyone knows how to develop high-performance code.

> You can write fast software with R, you just need to know how.

When the trick to writing fast R code is to rely on C as much as possible, that feels less compelling.

While writing in C is one way to speed up R code, you can also get pretty close to compiled speed by writing fully vectorized R code and pre-allocating vectors. The R REPL is just a thin wrapper over a bunch of C functions, and a careful programmer can ensure that allocation and copy operations (the slow bits) are kept to a minimum.

This is good if your code can be expressed in vectorized operations and doesn't gain benefits from problem structure exploited by multiple dispatch. With R the best you can is the speed of someone else's (or your) C code while Julia can beat C.

You’d be surprised how many people don’t know that a for loop isn’t great compared to vectorizing. The same for Julia, few will know that types have an impact on speed. My point is that you won’t automatically write faster code.

And clone/bribe Hadley Wickham :-) He is a tour de force of R.

Or more realistically, a caret/parsnip-like interface that lets you seamlessly use either R or Julia as a backend.

The majority of researchers don’t care about the language superiority. They’re concerned with different issues and software tends to suffer from “publish and forget” attitude. Convenience matters, and R ecosystem is quite good.

As a scientist programmer, that has not been my experience. In my experience, science programming is characterized by having to implement a lot of stuff from the ground up yourself, because unlike web dev or containerization, it's unlikely there is any existing library for metagenomic analysis of modified RNA.

And here Julia is a complete Godsend, since it makes it a joy to implement things from the bottom up.

Sure, you also need a language that already has dataframe libraries, plotting, editor support et cetera, and Julia is lacking behind Python and R in these areas. But Julia's getting there, and at the end of the day, it's a relatively low number of packages that are must-haves.

> In my experience, science programming is characterized by having to implement a lot of stuff from the ground up yourself

It depends on the field, there’re hundreds of biological publications each month that just use existing software. And if I’m developing a new tool for single-cell analysis, it’s either going to be interoperable with Seurat or Bioconductor tools.

Exactly. Almost all of it is bespoke implementations, sometimes of an algorithm that has just been invented and not yet applied to a real problem.

need better basic stuff like pca and glm.

Congrats, it's a big step in the right direction to support Julia development!

Are A-rounds now well into the $20M range?

I remember when they hit $10M and assumed they had continued to grow somewhat. But I didn't realized we'd blown well past $20M — when did that happen?

I think a lot of it is that this is a series A for a 6 year old company that is already making money. Most other startups would be on series B, so comparing this number to a 10 person startup for a company that doesn't have a product yet doesn't make a lot of sense.

I don't have recent data but I'd guess most startups would have been dead for several years, not on series B.

Just a comment to participants who are suspicious of Julia usage over another, more popular language (for example) -- I think most Julia users are aware that the ecosystem is young, and that encouraging usage in new industry settings incurs an engineering debt associated with the fact that bringing a new language onto any project requires an upfront cost, followed by a maintenance cost.

Most of these arguments are re-hashed on each new Julia post here. A few comments:

For most Julia users, any supposed rift between Python and Julia is not really a big deal -- we can just use PyCall.jl, a package whose interop I've personally used many times to wrap existing Python packages -- and supports native interop with Julia <-> NumPy arrays. Wrapping C is similarly easy -- in fact, easier than "more advanced" languages like Haskell -- whose C FFI only supports passing opaque references over the line.

Ultimately, when arguments between languages in this space arise -- the long term question is the upfront cost, and the maintenance cost for a team. Despite the fact that Julia provides an excellent suite of wrapper functionality, I'm aware that introducing new Julia code into an existing team space suffers from the above issues.

I'm incredibly biased, but I will state: maintaining Julia code is infinitely easier than other uni-typed languages. I've had to learn medium-sized Python codebases, and it is a nightmare compared to a typed language. This total guessing game about how things flow, etc. It really is shocking. Additionally, multiple dispatch is one of those idioms where, one you learn about it, you can't really imagine how you did things before. I'm aware of equivalences between the set of language features (including type classes, multi-method dispatch, protocols or interfaces, etc).

Ultimately, the Julia code I write feels (totally subjectively) the most elegant of the languages I've used (including Rust, Haskell, Python, C, and Zig). Normally I go exploring these other languages for ideas -- and there are absolutely winners in this group -- but I usually come crawling back to Julia for its implementation of multiple dispatch. Some of these languages support abstractions which are strictly equivalent to static multi-method dispatch -- which I enjoy -- but I also really enjoy Julia's dynamism. And the compiler team is working to modularize aspects of the compiler so that deeper characteristics of Julia (even type inference and optimization) can be configured by library developers for advanced applications (like AD, for example). The notion of a modular JIT compiler is quite exciting to me.

Other common comments: time to first plot, no native compilation to binary, etc are being worked on. Especially the latter with new compiler work (which was ongoing before the new compielr work) -- seems feasible within a few quarter's time.

> Some of these languages support abstractions which are strictly equivalent to static multi-method dispatch

Yes, and even with languages that have these abstractions, they aren't as pervasive as in Julia. Ex. There's a fundamental difference between typclasses and functions in haskell. In julia, there's no such distinction and code is more generic

it's not obvious to me what's their revenue model?

Nothing complicated.

Stream 1: Build amazing products for particular domains, charge license fees

Stream 2: Build a great SaaS platform for running Julia, charge for compute

Since all of our domain products are built in Julia and often involve significant compute cost for their intended application, hopefully both at the same time :).

My own view is that Julia Computing is distinguished a bit by a more product focus.

It's a bit less of a pure language / infra play and more a product play. Ie, docker / containers was almost a pure infra play in the end. These guys make actual things you can use.

The later sells better into business I think and is less likely to be competed against. Google / AWS et al are generally pretty quick to compete on the infra play level.

thanks for the answer Keno. i guess an example Stream 1 product is Pumas. i didn't realize it's a separate product from Julia. my background is in finance and i am curious if you have any plans to break into that domain (examples on your website include julia language use)

Finance was a focus area early on and we have a fair number of consulting clients there and JuliaHub is available of course, but we were never able to figure out a dedicated domain-specific, non-niche product to sell into the space. Maybe in the future.

Lots of finance companies shell out a lot of money for KDB+, a fast real-time database. Other than performance, the main selling point is that it comes with its own imperative language (K/Q). You can build entire API's and trading systems in Q: persistence, load balancing, streaming analytics, &tc. In that way, Q solves a different "two-language problem". There are not many serious competitors.

If Julia had its own lean realtime database implementation, then I can see it becomming a killer language for finance. JuliaDB/OnlineStats is probably 60% of the way there.

FWIW: I am using it as a general purpose language at the intersection of large data sets, analytics, and related bits. At a prop shop.

YMMV, but I find it is fantastic in this use case. And I don't have to worry about semantic space.

lol doesn't this create perverse incentives - i.e. you're incentivized to actually make Julia slower sine it'll lead to being able to charge more for compute :p

If Mathworks can make money, so can Julia Computing

Uber for numpy, perhaps. The best case scenario would be like Oracle and JavaSE. I lack the imagination to speculate on the worst case, so I am quite surprised that anyone expects to make more than $24M in profit from yet another programming language. Particularly one which caters to the narrow intersection of one-off scripts/rapid iteration, efficient machine code generation, but without limitations on memory usage.

The product is not the programming language. As addressed in there and on this board, there's a healthy set of products around pharmaceutical modeling and simulation (Pumas-AI, adopted by groups like Moderna), a cloud compute service JuliaHub, multi-physics simulation tools (JuliaSim), and upcoming verticals like JuliaSPICE for circuit simulation. Each of these themselves are entrants into billion dollar industries with tools that are, in some cases, already outperforming the current market leaders in computational speed and are quickly getting modern reactive GUIs. The Julia part is simply that it was founded by the creators of the Julia programming language and this stack is then (of course) built in Julia, leveraging all of its tools to reach these speeds. But the product is not the language itself.

I would really love to use Julia, and for my team to as well. But we are too locked into R to even begin. If I were these folks, I would focus on the flow, not stock, of data analysts. Get the next generation locked in to Julia. Turn R into SPSS

They have to offer a plotting library that’s at least half as decent as ggplot if they want people to jump ship. Gotta be able to visualize your results easily and they’ve been stuck with a half-baked interface to python plotting libraries for years


hopefully will soon be a dominant force in this direction

I'm confused as to why Julia, a programming language is worth so much money. If the makers of Julia have already given away their source code here, https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia what are they selling that's worth a 24 million series A round?

Is the Julia business model similar to Redhat or Canonical where they sell consulting services?

Julia Computing is a company that employs (some of) the core contributors of Julia and develops enterprise solutions.

Such as:

- the first Julia IDE Juni now depreciated.

- On premise package server

- A wrapper over AWS called JuliaRun that has a nice web interface

- paid "we make a core developer stare at RR traces of your problems"

- FDA approved software for drug development and pharmacokinetics as https://juliacomputing.com/products/pumas/

It is not the programming language that is the product.

Hi. Good question.

This is addressed in several places in the comment thread by Keno and Chris.

Thank you. I'll do a search for that.

Congratulations to Julia Computing!

Can someone please explain to me, a mere mortal, what is the big deal with Julia. Why use it, when there are so many other good languages out there with more community/support? Honest question.

If you are doing very high-performance numerical work, your choices¹ are Fortran, C, C++, or Julia. Julia is way more fun to program in than the other choices. Also, it has some properties² that make code re-use and re-combination especially easy.

1 https://www.hpcwire.com/off-the-wire/julia-joins-petaflop-cl...

2 https://arstechnica.com/science/2020/10/the-unreasonable-eff...

What's the argument against using R and dropping into RCpp for very limited tasks? I (helped) write a very widely used R modelling package and while I wasn't doing anything on the numerical side, we seemed to get great performance from this approach -- and workflow-wise it wasn't too dissimilar to 25 years ago where I had to occasionally drop in X86 assembly to speed up C code!

(Not a hater of Julia at all, very much think it's a cool language and an increasingly vibrant ecosystem and have been consistently impressed when Julia devs have spoke at events I've attended)

Interoperability between libraries that expect your code to be pure R / pure Python. If you use RCpp or Cython or CPython then you lose much of the magic behind the language that enables the cool (but frequently slow) features. My biggest pain point in this situation: you can not use SciPy or Pillow or Cython code with Jax/Pytorch/Tensorflow (except in very limited fashion).

Differential equation solvers that need to take a very custom function that works on fancy R/Python objects is another example of clumsiness in these drop-to-C-for-speed languages. It works and as a performance-nerd I enjoy writing such code, but it is clumsy.

That type interoperability is trivial in Julia.

Once your Rcpp code is compiled, it's almost indistinguishable from base R (when you're calling it). All R functions eventually end up calling R primitives written in C, and Rcpp just simplifies the process of writing and linking C/C++ code into the R interpreter.

The only difficulty with Rcpp-based R packages is you have to ensure the target system can compile the code, which means having a suitable compiler available.

I wonder how much does it differ from python's use of C or Cython (I have only superficial R skills). The prototypical example of why Python's C prevents interoperability is how the introspection needed by Jax or Tensorflow (e.g. for automatic GPU usage or automatic differentiation) fails when working on Scipy functions implemented in C.

For instance, I imagine there is an R library that makes it easy to automatically run R code on a GPU. Can that library also work with Rcpp functions?

> it's almost indistinguishable from base R (when you're calling it).

I am very surprised by this. Given how R is extremely dynamic. and has things like lazy-evaluation, that you can rewrite before it is called with substitute. Which I am sure some packages are using in scary and beautiful ways.

I think the argument is that most R users don't know C++. So Julia avoids the "2 language problem" that you get with modern scientific computing.

Not much an argument at all, if you ask me. There's definitely a benefit to only having to learn a single language (rather than R and C++), but the library/package ecosystem in R is hard to beat; unless you're doing truly bespoke computational work, the number of mature statistical libraries/packages in R is unmatched. Rcpp's syntactic sugar means most slow R bottlenecks can be written in C++ almost verboten, but without the interpreted performance penalty. One of R's best and under-emphasized features is its straightforward foreign-function interface: it's easy to creating bindings to C/C++/Fortran routines (and Rust support is coming along as well).

I've been impressed with Julia, but it's hard to beat 25 years of package development.

Same argument as python.

In other words, you can (empirically) get a lot done that way, but there is always friction.

One thing I don't like about the two langauge approach - deployment story get's more complicated it seems?

In my case I went to deploy on a musl system and things with the two language just were a pain to get up and running.

Conversely, everything that was native python ran fine in a musl based python container.

Your native python code just moves also nicely between windows / linux / etc

Development story is as complicated as the tooling makes it to be. With good tooling that e.g. minimizes the amount of glue code and/or makes integration of building the native parts easy, the development story doesn't have to much more complicated.

I think that's just being clumped in with "Use C++," which he mentioned as an option

and the ffi adds a lot of overhead for granular data. Julia just works fast. My only friction has been offline development, which isn't well supported yet.

Doesn’t Python offer this speed in it’s scientific libraries, too? Or is the answer “yes, if you use the libraries are written in Fortran, C, C++, or Julia!”?

NumPy is not a good comparison, because Julia can produce faster code which takes less memory [1]. The Python library that is closest to Julia's spirit is Numba [2], and in fact I was able to learn Numba in a few hours thanks to my previous exposure to Julia. (It probably helps that they are both based on LLVM, unlike NumPy.)

However, Numba is quite limited because it only works well for mathematical code (it is not able to apply its optimizations to complex objects, like lists of dictionaries), while on the other side Julia's compiler applies its optimizations to everything.

[1] https://discourse.julialang.org/t/comparing-python-julia-and...

[2] https://numba.pydata.org/

There are a few reasons why Julia still tends to be faster than numpy:

* Julia can do loop fusion when broadcasting, while numpy can't, meaning numpy uses a lot more memory during complex operations. (Numba can handle loop fusion, but it's generally much more restrictive.)

* A lot of code in real applications is glue code in Python, which is slow. I've literally found in some applications that <5% of the time was spent in numpy code, despite that being 90% of the code.

That said, if your code is mostly in numba with no pure python glue code (not just numpy), you probably won't see much of a difference.

When those libraries are fast, it is because they are using Numpy routines written in Fortran or C. And you can get a lot done with those libraries, of course. But they’re only fast if your code can be fit into stereotyped vector patterns. As soon as you need to write a loop, you get slow Python performance. Python + Scipy would not be a good choice for writing an ocean circulation or galaxy merger simulation.

EDIT: And last time I checked, Numpy only parallelizes calls to supplied linear algebra routines, and only if you have the right library installed. A simple vector arithmetic operation like a + b will execute on one core only.

I work in research software for astronomy, and I cannot agree with that. A very large amount of astronomy software is in Python. Numba has gone a long way toward making non-vectorized array operations very fast from Python.

Most people use a ton of numpy and scipy. It turns out that phrasing things as array operations with numpy operators is quite natural in this field, including for things like galaxy merger simulations.

I work, in particular, on asteroid detection and orbit simulation, and it's all pretty much Python.

Numba essentially does the same as julia, compile to llvm bytecode, in julia, that's a language design decision, in python it is a library.

You can get very far with these approaches I python, but having these at the language level just has more potential for optimization and less friction.

The debugability of numba code is very limited and code coverage does ot work at all.

Having a high level language that has scientific use at its core is just great.

Python has the maturity and community size on its side, but Jul is catching up on that quickly.

I agree that numba's JITted code needs debuggability improvements. I've been working on getting it to work with Linux's perf(1) for that reason.

The Julia-for-astronomy community is just microscopic right now, so it's hard to find useful libraries. Nothing comes close to, say, Astropy[0].

I'm not a huge fan of the current numpy stack for scientific code. I just don't think anyone should get too carried away and claim that Julia is taking the entire scientific world by storm. I don't know anyone in my department who has even looked at it seriously.

[0] https://www.astropy.org/

I’m aware that there is plenty of serious computation done with these tools. I don’t want to overstate; I merely meant that, for a fresh project, Julia is now a better choice for a large-scale simulation. Note that no combination of any of the faster implementations of Python + Numpy libraries has ever been used at the most demanding level of scientific computation. That has always been Fortran, with some C and C++, and now Julia.

“It turns out that phrasing things as array operations with numpy operators is quite natural in this field”

But if A and B are numpy arrays, then A + B will calculate the elementwise sum on a single core only, correct? It will vectorize, but not parallelize. All large-scale computation is multi-core.

> Note that no combination of any of the faster implementations of Python + Numpy libraries has ever been used at the most demanding level of scientific computation. That has always been Fortran, with some C and C++, and now Julia.

This still seems like an overstatement, but maybe it depends on what you mean by "most demanding level." I work on systems for the Rubin Observatory, which is going to be the largest astronomical survey by a lot. There's a bunch of C++ certainly, but heaps of Python. For example, catalog simulation (https://www.lsst.org/scientists/simulations/catsim) is pretty much entirely in Python.

Take a look at `lsst/imsim`, for example, from the Dark Energy collaboration at LSST: https://github.com/LSSTDESC/imSim.

Maybe this isn't the "most demanding" but I don't really know why.

> But if A and B are numpy arrays, then A + B will calculate the elementwise sum on a single core only, correct? It will vectorize, but not parallelize.

That's correct, but numba will parallelize the computation for you (https://numba.pydata.org/numba-doc/latest/user/parallel.html). It's pretty common to use numba's parallelization when relevant.

By a large-scale calculation I have in mind something like this: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2006.09368.pdf, which is in your field of astronomy. It uses about a billion dark-matter elements and was run on the Cobra supercomputer at Max Planck, which has about 137,000 CPU cores. It used the AREPO code, which is a C program that uses MPI. If you know of any calculation in this class using Python I would be interested to hear about it. But generally one doesn’t have one’s team write a proposal for time on a national supercomputing center and then, if it is approved, when your 100-hour slot is finally scheduled, upload a Python script to the cluster. But strange things happen.

EDIT: Yes, numba is impressive.

Out of curiosity, how does someone get into the work you’re doing? Do you just kind of fall into it accidentally? Get a PhD in astronomical computing (if that’s a thing)?

You're right, Python and R are good choices if your goals happen to align with what those libraries are optimised for, but outside of that you normally need to start writing your own C or C++.

> Or is the answer “yes, if you use the libraries are written in Fortran, C, C++, or Julia!”?

That's basically the answer.

There really aren't that many languages out there trying to be on the cutting edge of JIT for scientific computing with a great REPL experience. There are a few areas where developers have to prototype in a language like Python or MATLAB to design their systems, generate test data, and even just plot stuff during debugging then rewrite in C/C++ for speed. It's an enormous time sink that is prone to errors, and leads to terrible SWE culture.

If Julia can provide both the REPL/debugging experience of a language like Python or MATLAB with a fast enough JIT to use in production it would be an enormous boon to productivity and robustness.

There are a few limiting factors but I don't think they're absolute.

I think your question presupposes a lot of assumptions that may not be right. For one, I don't know that Julia is like a "big deal", certainly Python is the big deal in this field and I doubt Julia is looking to displace it wholesale. That said, Julia is a great addition to the scientific computing landscape because of its performance compared to other languages and its use of modern programming features. Python is just really really slow compared to Julia and parallelism in Python is a huge pain. Fortran is really really fast but that comes at a cost of being awkward to use and coming with a great deal of baggage. Julia is fast, feels modern, and has pretty easy parallelism.

Then there's Matlab, Mathematica, and they are also pretty good but they're closed source/proprietary, so their ecosystem is mostly limited and driven by commercial interests. Nothing wrong with that intrinsically and they're all widely used but it's one way Julia differentiates itself, by making the language open and making money through services.

Julia Computing is not a services company. There are commercial products built off of this stack which are the core of Julia Computing. For example, https://pumas.ai/ is a product for pharmacology modeling and simulation, and runs on the JuliaHub cloud platform of Julia Computing. It is already a big deal in the industry, with the quote everyone refers to "Pumas has emerged as our 'go-to' tool for most of our analyses in recent months" from the Director Head of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacometrics at Moderna Therepeutics during 2020 (for details, see the full approved press release from the Pumas.ai website). JuliaSim is another major product which is being released soon, along with JuliaSPICE publicly in the pipeline.

But indeed, Julia Computing differentiates itself from something like MATLAB or Mathematica by leveraging a strong open source community on which these products are developed. These products add a lot of the details that are generally lacking in the open source space, such as strong adherents to file formats, regulatory compliance and validation, GUIs, etc. which are required to take such a product from "this guy can use it" to a fully marketable product usable by non-computational scientists. I will elaborate a bit more on this at JuliaCon next week in my talk on the release of JuliaSim.

Wanted to ask if JuliaDB is something that might get more development attention? Or will that remain a community project? (I see it’s been in need of a release for awhile.)

It is not in our current set of major products. That said, informal office discussions mentioned JuliaDB as recently as last week, so it's not forgotten. If there's a demonstrated market, say a need for new high-performance cloud data science tools as part of the pharmaceutical domains we work in, then something like JuliaDB could possibly be revived in the future (of course, this is no guarantee).

In general, the community has discussed reviving the project (or at least the ideas and some of its codebase). Julia computing will also be contributing as part of that revival.

Thank you both for the comments. I believe I remember early on there were some comparisons to kdb+/q. I think there is some pretty great potential with an offering like this (an in-memory database integrated with the language, coupled with solid static storage) from the Julia community going forward. I can envision some use cases in genomics/transcriptomics.

Composability via dispatch-oriented programming, e.g. [1]

It also pretty much solved my version of the two-language problem, but that means different things to different people so ymmv.

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kc9HwsxE1OY

>Why use it, when there are so many other good languages out there with more community/support? Honest question.

Such a question seems sort of in bad faith (or loaded), since the selling points of Julia have been hammered time and again on HN and elsewhere, and are prominent on its website. It's a 1 minute search to find them, and if someone is already aware that there's this thing called Julia to the point that they think it's made to be "a big deal", they surely have seen them.

So, what could the answer to the question above be? Some objective number that shows Julia is 25.6% better than Java or Rust or R or whatever?

But first, who said it's a "big deal"? It's just a language that has some development action, seems some adoption, and secured a modest fundng for its company. That's not some earth shattering hype (if you want to see that, try to read about when Java was introduced. Or, to a much lesser degree, Ada, for that matter).

You use a language because you've evaluated it for your needs and agree with the benefits and tradeoffs.

Julia is high level and at the same time very fast for numerical computing allowing you to keep a clean codebase that's not a mix of C, C++, Fortran and your "real" language, while still getting most of the speed and easy parallelization. It also has special focus on support for that, for data science, statistics, and science in general. It's also well designed.

On the other hand, it has slow startup/load times, incomplete documentation, smaller ecosystem, and several smaller usability issues.

While you have a valid perspective, the HN guidelines [1] do specifically ask us to assume good faith.

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html

You assume they've seen the posts about Julia on HN. If you're not interested in PL it's fair to assume they might not click on those posts.

Short answer is that it is (imo) by far the best language for writing generic and fast math. Multiple dispatch allows you to write math using normal notation and not have to jump through hoops to do so.

can you show a simple example of that? I tend to see multiple dispatch as a mental burden, (e.g.: when I see a function call, where will it be dispatched? the answer dependa on the types that I'm juggling, that may not even be visible at that point...)

The key to make multiple dispatch work well is that you shouldn't have to think about what method gets called. For this to work out, you need to make sure that you only add a method to a function if it does the "same thing" (so don't use >> for printing for example). To Dr the benefit of this in action, consider that in Julia 1im+2//3 (the syntax for sqrt(-1)+2 thirds) works and gives you a complex rational number (2//3+1//1 im). To get this behavior in most other languages, you would have to write special code for complex numbers with rational coefficients, but in Julia this just works since complex and rational numbers can be constructed using anything that has arithmetic defined. This goes all the way up the stack in Julia. You can put these numbers in a matrix, and matrix multiplication will just work, you can plot functions using these numbers, you can do gpu computation with them etc. All of this works (and is fast) because multiple dispatch can pick the right method based on all the argument types.

> The key to make multiple dispatch work well is that you shouldn't have to think about what method gets called. For this to work out, you need to make sure that you only add a method to a function if it does the "same thing" (so don't use >> for printing for example).

Thanks for writing this. I think it is an important concept for getting started with Julia. When I tried Julia, I was initially confused and concerned about the subtyping hierarchy, which as far as I understand is undocumented. "Apart from a partial description in prose in Bezanson [2015], the only specification of subtyping is 2,800 lines of heavily optimized, undocumented C code." [0]. Assurance that users can safely ignore the subtyping hierarchy if we maintain semantic equivalence between methods, and that this actually works out in practice, makes it easier to commit to using the language.

[0] https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3276483

This is an important point: abstractions like generic functions are only as good as how much people respect them, and enforcement of that is largely cultural. You can add technological levels of enforcement, but those are limited at best because people are brilliantly devious and can find ways to break any technological enforcement if they set their minds to it; the key to preventing that is convincing them to set their minds to respecting abstractions instead.

For a negative example of this, C++ introduced function overloading — which is a static and therefore broken version of multiple dispatch (that calls the wrong “methods” based only on static type information). They then immediately decided to abuse the bitshift operators for I/O — in the standard library, no less. (There are other abuses of overloading but this is the most famous one.) So that didn’t exactly create a culture where people respect the semantic meaning of overloaded functions. As a result, C++ has given function overloading a really horrible reputation. Partly because it is likely to be not actually so what you want because it’s static rather than based on the actual types of arguments, but even more so because there’s no culture of semantic consistency in C++, starting from the standard library itself — you cannot trust anyone to respect the meaning of anything, not even the language authors.

In Julia, on the other hand, we’ve always been very strict about this: don’t add a method to a function unless it means the same thing. We would never dream of using bitshift operators to do I/O. Since meaning is the level where human thinking operates, this makes it reasonable to write generic code that works the way you meant it to: you can call `+` on two things and just trust that whoever has implemented `+` for those objects didn’t decide to make it append a value to an array or something wonky like that. Not that people haven’t proposed that kind of thing, but because of the culture, it gets shot down in the standard library and elsewhere in the ecosystem.

But yeah, it’s hard to see how this would happen because there is nothing technical preventing the same kinds of abuses that are rampant in C++, it’s just the invisible but extremely force of culture.

> We would never dream of using bitshift operators to do I/O

Or the sum operator for string concatenation, which is the epitome of non-commutative operation.

I like your point of view, but still I'm skeptical of function and especially operator overloading. Shouldn't these semantic constraints that you mention be enforced by the language? For example, the language does not let you overload + for a non-commutative operation, and so on.

I was curious what Julia decided to use for string concatenation (+ method would be the least surprising option for me since it's common for the most of source code in use, even while the string concatenation is non commutative).

I was surprised to find Julia uses the multiplication method for string concatenation. For me it feels as wrong as using bitshift operators for I/O but maybe I'm missing something.

+ is terribly wrong for string concatenation and people who used it first were illiterate freaks. If I had to chose among my many reasons to avoid python this by far is the strongest one. I'm forced to use formatting operators and string interpolation just to avoid the stupid +

Multiplication for concatenation makes perfect sense: it is commutative, associative, and consistent with mathematical notation. A space would be even better. And the empty string would be great, but maybe difficult to implement if you want to allow multiple-letter variable names, as julia seems to do.

We considered juxtaposition with string literals for concatenation for a while, as in `file ".txt"`. That would make `a "" b` a natural string concatenation syntax, which rather like it, but Jeff felt it was a bit too clever/weird, so we didn't do it.

Oh interesting. That would work too, but `*` is really quite nice in the context that string concatenation is properly the associative binary operation of a free monoid.

Interesting, is multiplication method used for arrays concatenation as well?

Even if using multiplication to join strings may be consistent with some properties of mathematical notation, it's less consistent with the usual meaning of the words (I checked the cosine similarity using GloVe 6B words embeddings, the similarity between "add" and "join" is 0.4 while between "multiply" and "join" is only 0.03), so it's probably the balance between being the general purpose and math oriented language.

Technical enforcement would be nice, but it's a hard design problem and my point is that even with that, you still need the cultural aspect. Time and time again, we see that culture trumps technology for these kinds of things. In this case, the proof is in the pudding: in Julia there is no technical enforcement of consistency, but semantic meaning of generic functions is broadly respected and generic code works. It would be nice to add some kind of protocols that support enforcement, but it's (apparently) not necessary and it's a hard design problem.

> For example, the language does not let you overload + for a non-commutative operation

It does allow it? I'm not even sure how one would disallow non-commutative operations. How would you know if a definition is commutative?

(Now I realize that you are one of the designers of Julia, I feel deeply honored by your answers. I really love your job with the language!)

> how one would disallow non-commutative operations. How would you know if a definition is commutative?

I don't think that this is possible without solving the halting problem. But in practice, you can do that by documenting this enforcement and making it unfeasible to overload a commutative operator with non-commutative code. For example, the callers of the overloaded commutative operator can and do assume commutativity to optimize compilation; as in, you fill a matrix with "f(i+j)" and it may only evaluate the upper-half of the matrix (this is even more interesting for the associative case). I think that Mathematica does a similar thing, I recall several symbols for operators to be overloaded assuming certain symmetries. As another example, in C++ you must overload "<" with something that is an order relation, otherwise the sort function fails. Being more fancy, a test option of the interpreter may run each call of the operator in a random order, etc.

Also, related to Mathematica, using juxtaposition for product is very natural to mathematicians. It is indeed hard point of friction when moving from Mathematica to Maple or Matlab.

> make sure that you only add a method to a function if it does the "same thing"

But this only concerns when I'm writing the code myself. If I read some code and I see a few nested function calls, there's a combinatorial explosion of possible types that gives me vertigo.

> complex and rational numbers can be constructed using anything that has arithmetic defined.

seriously? this does not seem right, it cannot be like that. If I build a complex number out of complex numbers, I expect a regular complex number, not a "doubly complex" number with complex coefficients, akin to a quaternion. Or do you? There is surely some hidden dirty magic to avoid that case.

There's no hidden dirty magic, but you're right: Complex numbers require `Real` components and Rationals require `Integer` numerators and denominators. Both `Real` and `Integer` are simply abstract types in the numeric type tree, but you're free to make your own. You can see how this works directly in their docstrings — it's that type parameter in curly braces that defines it, and `<:` means subtype:

    help?> Complex
    search: Complex complex ComplexF64 ComplexF32 ComplexF16 completecases
      Complex{T<:Real} <: Number
      Complex number type with real and imaginary part of type T.

One other really good example is BLAS. Since it is a C/Fortran library you have 26 different functions for matrix multiply depending on the type of matrix (and at least that many for matrix vector multiply). In Julia, you just have * which will do the right thing no matter what. In languages without multiple dispatch, any code that wants to do a matrix multiply will either have to be copied and pasted 25 times for each input type, or will have 50 lines of code to branch on the input type. Multiple dispatch makes all of that pain go away. You just use * and you get the most specific method available.

We had three big data pipelines written in numpy that we'd spent a lot of time optimizing. Rewriting them in Julia, we were able to get an 8x (serial -> serial), 14x (parallel -> serial), and 28x (parallel -> parallel) speedups respectively – and with clearer, more concise code. The difference is huge.

did you end up using package compiler as well?

No, the pipelines are long enough that compilation time isn't a big issue.

It’s a solid combination of performance, easy syntax and flexible environment. A big drawback of Python is that any performant code is actually written in a lower level language, with foreign function calls.

That’s not to say that there are no disadvantages to Julia. I personally see Julia as a beefed up, new and improved R.

I am using Julia extensively since 2013, and I can say that it's awesome! But don't try to use it if you're looking for a general-purpose scripting language: Python is far better suited for this. Similarly, if you want to produce standalone executables, C++, Rust, Go or Nim are better.

However, Julia is perfect if you write mathematical/physical/engineering simulations and data analysis codes, which is my typical use case. Its support for multiple dispatch and custom operators lets you to write very efficient code without sacrificing readability, which is a big plus. Support for HPC computing is very good too.

>Python is far better suited for this. Similarly, if you want to produce standalone executables, C++, Rust, Go or Nim are better.

That's the case now, because Julia made a design decision to focus on extreme composability, dynamism, generic codegen etc which involved compiler tradeoffs...but it's not inherent to the langauge.

For scripting, interpreted Julia is coming. For executables, small binary compilation is as well...particularly bullish on this given the new funding

> For scripting, interpreted Julia is coming.

Citation for this? Julia has had a built-in interpretted since 1.0, in 2017 use `--compile=min`, or `--compile=none` to make use of it. And JuliaInterpretter.jl has been working since 2018. Both are very slow -- slower than adding in the compile time for most applications. As I understand it, this is because a number of things in how the language works are predicated on having a optimizing JIT compiler. As is how the standard library and basically all packages are written.

Julia is going to over time become nicer for scripting, just because of various improvements. In particular, I put more hope on caching native code than on any new interpreter.

Yeah, you are right, these limitations are not much of a matter of the language itself.

From what I understand, Julia is dynamically typed and similar to a scripting language like Python or Ruby, but is also compiled, so it has performance similar to C/C++ (it's also written in itself). It also has built-in support for parallelism, multi threading, GPU compute, and distributed compute. I'm sure others can provide more insight. I've only dabbled in it and haven't used it extensively in any sense of the word.

My understanding is that it runs faster than native python and R. That said with Numba and other libraries, see no point.

Numba is great for pure functions on primitive types but it breaks down when you need to pass objects around. PyPy is fantastic for single-threaded applications but doesn't play nicely with multiprocessing or distributed computing IME. Numpy helps for stuff you can vectorize, but there's a lot of stuff you can't (or can but shouldn't); it also brings lots of minor inconveniences by virtue of not being a native type - e.g., the code to JSON serialize a `Union[Sequence[float], np.ndarray]` isn't exactly Pythonic.

Also, numpy has about a 100x overhead door small arrays (10 or fewer elements).

> runs faster than native python and R

That's a bit of an understatement. It's about as fast as C and Rust (ignoring JIT compilation time).


It's easier to write Julia code than to deal with Numba tbh and the ecosystem around Julia makes the code composable which is often not the case if you write Numba code and have to deal with other libraries.

Composability, speed, static analysis, type system, abstractions, user defined compiler passes, metaprogramming, ffi, soon static compilation, differentiability and more create an effect that far exceeds numba

Basically, the syntax is similar to matlap as well as lots of the same features around functional and variable deceleration as python. The best thing for sure is the native support for parallel processing. Where python is single tread.

kinda tries to make coding like python but running like fortran (without having to resort side-batteries like numpy/scipy)

designers seems to have a good amount of PLT knowledge and made good foundations

Congrats Julia team!

Thanks, man :D

Will there be a JupyterHub-like written in Julia in the near future, then? Because that's clearly where the money is.

I honestly haven't thought much about Jupyter since I moved to Pluto.jl (Observable-style reactive notebook):


It exists in the form of https://juliahub.com/lp/

They are pocketing millions of dollars, but stomp their foot on the community. They are only hiring 5 more people, despite getting millions and millions of dollars. The people behind this project are not good well intentioned people. The language itself is great, due to the thankless work of many contributors who never got paid. The people behind the language are selfish and they intentionally harmed some Julia language projects, such as Grassmann.jl by banning valuable contributors who had good intentions and spent thousands of hours of their time contributing to the community.

I just quit using Julia language and am switching to Wolfram language.

Well, I still might use Julia personally in the future, but my days of contributing to the community are over.

The julia community is thankless, and the people at Julia computing are mean spirited and they think it's acceptable to harm people having good intentions (like me), having contributed thousands of hours of free time to help people on their forum and releasing my own packages used by thousands of people.

Julia Computing just raised a bunch of money, but they are just pocketing it for themselves while they stomp their foot on people they perceive as unworthy.

Yea, it's a good language, but the people behind it are very selfish and harmful to the free software community.

Impressive FUD.

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