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Software engineering hasn’t had our Quebec Bridge collapse yet.

It will take an enormous visible disaster that does more than cost a company a few tens of millions, or exposes a few hundred million social security numbers before we start holding companies and engineers liable for security flaws.

Ah yes the equifax hack


OPM Hack


The only way to create software engineering reform you envision is to force a paradigm shift. The only thing that could instigate it would be like skynet with many dead. Though, the unknown damage from OPM could be quite severe.

There might be 'security standards' but neither the government nor private sector can guarantee anything to be safe. The civilization built on IT networks will need to be rewowrked.

Did you not notice that I referenced the Equifax hack?

How many were killed as a consequence of the Equifax hack?

Don't get me wrong, that hack was absolutely massive and terrible, but I think you missed the point of what the parent comment was saying.

Their point was that it must be something real and visceral, on a level that will make people think "something like this must never happen again at any cost". As far as I know, there weren't massive killings of people due to the equifax hack, so that isn't quite on the same level.

The parent edited their comment after I commented.

It originally said

>Did you not remember the Equifax hack?

Of course I didn’t remember it. I explicitly mentioned it as something that didn’t qualify as an Quebec Bridge collapse level event.

They editing to make it seem like they realized that I mentioned it all along.

To your point

>it must be something real and visceral.

I agree that was exactly what I was saying when I started this thread.

We've flown planes into the ground, killed people with Xrays, rigged elections, shut down oil delivery to sections of the east cost of the US.

If anything we have bridge collapses constantly and special news anchors that report on which routes you should take today as if it were just like any other traffic incident.

Don't forget crashing the first Ariane 5 on its test flight[1], incorrect floating point math[2] and losing $440 million in 30 minutes[3].

1 https://www.esa.int/Newsroom/Press_Releases/Ariane_501_-_Pre...

2 https://www.cs.earlham.edu/~dusko/cs63/fdiv.html

3 https://www.henricodolfing.com/2019/06/project-failure-case-...

The Error of Our Ways: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YaI6lhn78g

Therac-25 is a must-read-about.


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