Interesting thoughts. Some back for you from an ex smoker:
I'm not entirely sure that the feeling would be described as amazing. When smoking Cigarettes I'd get a mild "buzz" nothing so strong as cannabis or alcohol in its effects, but noticeable. Probably something akin in strength to a strong coffee. I was unable to replicate that 'buzz' with a vape pen that I used while attempting to give up. However, I have to draw a difference between that feeling of buzz from the direct chemical effects from the feeling of relief of having your addiction fulfilled. The latter maybe the more extreme, the craving of nicotine is a near constant building tension that is released with that next cigarette.
Apart from yourself others have noted the meditative aspects of cigarette smoking. Beside the chemical addition aspect when giving up smoking you're losing a ritualistic break where you can spend a few minutes away from what you're currently doing, usually alone, to do a deep breathing exercise. This ritual is often a contributor to the difficulties in giving up.
Apart from yourself others have noted the meditative aspects of cigarette smoking. Beside the chemical addition aspect when giving up smoking you're losing a ritualistic break where you can spend a few minutes away from what you're currently doing, usually alone, to do a deep breathing exercise. This ritual is often a contributor to the difficulties in giving up.