There are generally legitimate reasons for various words to be regarded as crude or offensive. Often enough that is the very intention behind a word. Not being offended by them, or at least claiming so, is not a mark of enlightenment. Nor is being offended by them something for which to be shamed.
I'm with the OP, domains with foul language don't hit my sharing feeds and I'm not likely to make it a habit of frequenting the site.
I'm with the OP, domains with foul language don't hit my sharing feeds and I'm not likely to make it a habit of frequenting the site.
While that may be true for you, my point is that I believe that to be a shortsighted view. It will almost certainly reduce your chances of finding some interesting material. Maybe the trade-off doesn't matter to you, and I certainly can appreciate that, but a trade-off is being made.
I'm with the OP, domains with foul language don't hit my sharing feeds and I'm not likely to make it a habit of frequenting the site.