I think you make very good points. In your post you also argued for the use of C++, and you commented on how much unhappy you are with the fact Rust has no exceptions.
So I take the liberty of asking you a
little naughty question :-)
What is your take on "Google C++ Style Guide" advice on the use of C++ Exceptions?
In this particular section, the authors already took good care to separate internal rules from general advice: "On their face, the benefits of using exceptions outweigh the costs, especially in new projects. … Things would probably be different if we had to do it all over again from scratch."
Also as stated in the guidelines, some of the reasons are the intention of integrating the open source projects with an internal Google C++ code base that does not use exceptions.
So integration would be difficult.
However, the question is how come such a large code base using C++ without Exceptions come to be. Specially on a company with so many employees chairs of C++ committees :-)
Just to make it clear, I prefer the C and Rust model around error handling. I will also concede that, for GUI applications and when on a coherent code base,
you probably want C++ Exceptions.
Googles' ban on exceptions was a historical decision, based on the compilers available at the time. That they would not go back and revise all of their software is understandble: retrofitting exceptions into existing C++ code is painful; identifying the points where a catch handler is needed is typically a hard problem, and retrofitting exception safety anywhere, while always a good idea (even if exceptions aren't used) is a large task if you already have a lot of C++ lying around.
Googles strategy does come with some significant drawbacks, such as requiring init() functions everywhere (what happens if you forget one?), and needing to test error codes after every function call (easy to forget). It also locks them out of useful features like overloaded operators for the most part (since those have no error return option other than exceptions). In general, the 'happy path' becomes cluttered with error handling everywhere, leading to programs that dedicate more lines to error handling than actual processing.
Also, it says "WE do not use exceptions", not "NOBODY should use exceptions". It's a statement about the situation at Google, based on their unique circumstances, not a general guideline.
I haven't found a good solution to a fallible constructor without exceptions. You might want this if you have a C++ wrapper around a file or some other OS primitive. I would love some allowance for constructors returning std::optional. One problem with this is that child classes' constructors would have to return optional too or else they might throw an exception when they call optional::value.
That does not work for data members, unless you are willing to have the entirety of your software wrapped and unwrapped in optionals up to main, which looks pretty much like what people had in the 70s and thought : "okay, maybe there is a language feature we could have to abstract that repetitive mess"
Just have the non-throwing private constructor take the data member by rvalue reference and move them in place.
This works in practice for so many projects that do C++ without exceptions.
But then you loose so many features of C++. Can't have aggregates anymore since everything needs private constructors -> more code -> more bugs.
Each possible contructor now needs a matching static method.
Can't put things in standard containers unless you rewrite all copy / move contructors (and you didn't forget to mark your move constructor noexcept, did you ?).
What happens when you have classes with more than 3 members ? Constructors with 12 arguments ? That's unambiguously terrible, and does not even save you from exceptions coming from C++ itself.
So I take the liberty of asking you a little naughty question :-)
What is your take on "Google C++ Style Guide" advice on the use of C++ Exceptions?
"We do not use C++ exceptions"