SQLite was created, because client-server database Informix (similar to MySQL and PosgreSQL) did crash and and was unavailable to connect to. There are some edge cases where MySQL/PostgreSQL can start vacuum, be corrupted, etc making client/server database unavailable. SQLite is tested with billions of test cases.
In interview:
"The idea for SQLite actually came out of his frustrations with an existing database called Informix that was installed on a literal battleship."
"Why do we even need a server? Why can’t I pull this directly off the disk drive? That way if the computer is healthy enough, it can run our application at all, we don’t have dependencies that can fail and cause us to fail, and I looked around and there were no SQL database engines that would do that, and one of the guys I was working with says, “Richard, why don’t you just write one?” “Okay, I’ll give it a try.” "