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"Google's market problems aren't app developers responsibility to overcome just because they are 'sort of known'."

Ummm yes they are. When apple changes their policy for subscription, you either quit or adjust.. When twitter says no in stream ads to an ad company like ad.ly, they either quit or adjust, when facebook says no to an app that notifies users of changing relationship , you either quite or adjust... etc, etc.

Seems you don't develop for Android or you'll know google messed up the search algorithm and after a lot of complaints from developers and users who couldn't find apps, google started fixing things...

Well I do, but my business is not reliant on being in the top google search results. I have nothing to brag about, or complain about, as like I've stated, everything he's said has been addressed prior.

Well it seems you're mixing things up. Having a change in policy has nothing to do with bugs on the way the market performs.

One thing is a shift in direction from Google and another is bugs that prevents developers and users from finding apps.

On a other post you talk about marketing as if would make any difference. There's a lot of developers complaining users couldn't find their apps after they were told to look for them on the market. How would a marketing campaign solve this problem?

It's Google's duty to provide developers and users with a reliable market experience.

I've been trying to be constructive and help you guys, but clearly you just wanted to come here and complain. You guy should just give up, because google won't fix their customer service and won't fix your search rankings and probably in general won't do anything to help you. The next think you should try is making another app on either market and complain about all the deficiencies of either market instead of focusing on figuring out how to get over limitations and being successful

You guy should just give up, because google won't fix their customer service and won't fix your search rankings and probably in general won't do anything to help you.

I disagree, if it weren't for the complains of developers and users google wouldn't fix the search algorithm like it's doing right now. If we developers didn't complain about issues with the Developer Console things would have been much worse than it is now...

If something isn't right we have the obligation to speak and not just accept it like it's a done deal and we can't do anything about it...

they are actually fixing the search algortithm due to the massive complaints they have gotten recently.

especially in the support forums. hes just stating the truth. i know because im experiencing the exact same thing.

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