How often do entire DCs suffer catastrophic loss? Not just an hour or two of connectivity outage, but “meteor-strike”-type scenarios - or more likely: a fire that takes out an entire rack or row of racks? How often does it happen in developed countries (where fire fighting infrastructure is in-place and building fire-codes are enforced) vs worldwide average? Has it ever happened to a brand-name cloud provider (AWS, Azure, GCP)? How does it compare to self-managed co-lo?
OVH suffered a fatal DC loss quite recently [0]. It's not an everyday event, but it's not something that never happens, either. Also, don't overestimate our fire fighting capabilities: Once a fire breaks out, severe damage to the DC is very likely - if the fire doesn't kill the server, water, temperature or shock will easily do so. Especially if we're on a scale as small as a rack.
Don't put data you don't want to loose in a single location.
That does not seem to be the case.