Easier to top up than to have a pot available and no one using it... Its a new instrument so I guess they couldn't get a good estimate what was needed. Also better if you can select rather than fund everything.
I suppose they will pitch in other funds, e.g. they have encouraged countries to use some of the funds under the Recovery and Resilience Facility to fund projects that got these certificates of quality.
BTW the post you're replying to is factually correct. As a government the EU does not innovative in the sense normally understood by the word, e.g. it does not introduce surprising new products, or (directly) create new technologies. It does however regulate.
Well yes, but FreeSpeech's comment was grey and flagged when I saw it, even though it's indeed kind of so obvious it's pointless. And it had a reply disagreeing, so it needed to be spelled out.
As someone living in the EU, this makes me embarrassed. We should be able to do better than this.