React/JSX converts what was previously DSLs nested within DSLs into code. This is why dev tools like this oft use React, or more specifically JSX. It complements the HTML DSL, but in a coding context. Most other similar browser tools use templating mechanisms with DSLs for embedded logic. For this reason, React will have jQuery like longevity, and people will continue to design for it. It's easier to code for code than multi-layer DSLs (see Jinja, Vue, angular, swig, etc). Forgive me if that was a little meta or over simplifying.
As someone who worked with React, Angular and Vue professionally the last 6 years I cannot agree.
React will be around for a while because of its popularity. It has nothing to do with JSX. Acutally, Vue, especially Vue 3 with the compositiona API is much easier to work with than React. You could use JSX with Vue as well. React has quite some leaky abstractions, which makes it more hard to master than Vue or Svelte. React seems easy, but it is not.