> You're comparing apples and oranges. Even though both b2 and a second tape copy are both "a copy", I'd wager than something stored in the cloud has much lower failure chance than a second tape copy.
Depends on what kind of failures you're thinking of. A tape won't erase itself if your subscription lapses or if the service you chose finds itself on "Our Incredible Journey." As a home user, both those scenarios are pretty high on my list, since I don't some team to make sure my data is always migrated and accessible. There are a lot of scenarios where some bit of data may need to sit passive unattended for years/decades, and/or be discoverable and usable by someone else (e.g. family sorting through a dead person's things).
Depends on what kind of failures you're thinking of. A tape won't erase itself if your subscription lapses or if the service you chose finds itself on "Our Incredible Journey." As a home user, both those scenarios are pretty high on my list, since I don't some team to make sure my data is always migrated and accessible. There are a lot of scenarios where some bit of data may need to sit passive unattended for years/decades, and/or be discoverable and usable by someone else (e.g. family sorting through a dead person's things).