A thread about how the mainstream media is eating crow over being so wrong here is not really the best place in the world for you to grind your axe with Zerohedge.
> The article --- published Wednesday titled, "Is This The Man Behind The Global Coronavirus Pandemic?" --- shared the name and personal information of a Chinese doctor and researcher at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and linked him to a theory claiming the new virus is an engineered bioweapon.
If you in good conscience think the above is at all similar to the current claim that the virus might have been an accidental leak, then there's no point in further engaging with you.
Ironically, their twitter account was banned precisely for reporting on the possibility that the virus was a lab leak:
A thread about how the mainstream media is eating crow over being so wrong here is not really the best place in the world for you to grind your axe with Zerohedge.
Also, what are info wars?