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> How do you folks deal with the hopelessness of it all?

Don't have kids.

I know this is a very unpopular point of view on HN and this response will probably be downvoted into oblivion, but the fact of the matter is that if enough people adopt this strategy it will actually solve the problem eventually. Yes, the odds of this happening are vanishingly small, but population control is ultimately the only long-term solution.

> Don't have kids.

Of course... it is more complicated than that. This is a classic tragedy of the commons scenario (or Idiocracy for that matter). The people that don't care will continue on, and the people that do care won't be able to influence the next generation nearly as much.


IDIOCRACY Opening Scene (2006) Mike Judge

Western nations are financing 3rd world birth rates at the expense of our own citizens well being. I imagine we should address that first before we even consider asking our own to stop reproducing.

Birth rates everywhere (3rd world included) have gone down very quickly in direct response to when, and to the extent that, women get empowered.

> Don't have kids.

and find a way to work towards something of a solution in your daily life. The work may not go anywhere and the problem may be intractable, but by not having kids and doing some work towards a solution, its at least a local anesthetic for hopelessness.

I'm skeptical that making an argument that will probably only convince exceptionally altruistic people (at least among those who wanted to have kids to begin with) to not reproduce is good for future generations.

Population control is one of the most antihuman positions you can have IMO. The likes of Paul Erlich and anti-human philosophies who sees humans as a cancer and who sterilized millions of Indians and south americans is one of the biggest atrocities ever done.

We had population control 300 years ago before we had the knowledge to create machine and feed them.

Less than 1billion people on the planet and most people starved.

We don't live on an infinite plane with infinite resources. If you ignore the harsh reality of disease and confusion on this planet then you will only aggravate the problem, and be the misanthrope you fear.

We don't need a planet with infinite resources. We live in a universe with almost infinite potential. All that is required is more knowledge for how to turn seemingly useless materials (such as coal, oil, uranium and gas) into useful resources. That's how we historically have progressed.

Knowledge gets created by freeing up time to allow humans to focus on other things than just getting their basic needs met.

This requires machines which require energy as energy is the industry that powers all other industries.

If you really believe we live on a planet with limited resources with no way of creating new, then you, being on Hacker News wasting energy on debating with strangers, seems like an unjustified behavior in itself. So maybe if you acted on what you seem to be preaching I would listen, but for know you don't seem to care about these supposed finite resources.

This view that we have these massive resource limitations is wrong.

We do not have 'resource limitations' for the most part on this planet.

For some things, there's an issue - but by and large, it's not.

Western Nations already have a considerably lower than 'replacement rate' in terms of birth, and the suicidal disappearance of some cultures is not going to move the ball forward.

We do have population issues, but they are squarely in Nigeria, India etc..

We have plenty of resources.

We'll sort out climate change over the coming decades.

Voluntarily choosing to have fewer children, educating women and giving them the means to control their own fertility is not "population control".

I don't know where you even come up with this stuff.

"but population control is ultimately the only long-term solution."

I was responding to the above from parent comment.

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